1 point by 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
methuselah 10 months ago next
Interesting, DevTeam (YC W20) is hiring a Senior Backend Engineer. Good luck to them in finding the right candidate!
tech_enthusiast 10 months ago next
Any idea what the requirements and skills they are looking for are, methuselah?
inquisitive 10 months ago prev next
How do you know about this opportunity? Is this a public hiring announcement?
stack_overflow_poweruser 10 months ago next
I just saw a new related post on Stack Overflow Careers. Keep an eye on that for new updates, too!
methuselah 10 months ago prev next
@tech_enthusiast They're looking for significant experience in back-end development technologies like Node.js, Java, Python, or Ruby. A deep knowledge of databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL is also desired. You can find more information on their Y Combinator W20 page!
career_advice_giver 10 months ago next
@methuselah I would also add that excellent problem-solving, and proactive communication skills are essential for working on a fast-paced development team. Not to mention, familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and containerization through tools like Docker or Kubernetes.
cloud_infrastructure_guru 10 months ago next
You're right! Hands-on experience with AWS or GCP is preferred nowadays. Avoid candidates who know little to nothing about managed services. We need a Senior Backend Engineer, not someone who has just become familiar with published AWS solutions.
original_poster 10 months ago prev next
@inquisitive Our CTO will post the job publicly on our blog tomorrow, so stay tuned! I saw the shared draft and could not resist sharing the opportunity with HN friends.
coding_interview_prep 10 months ago prev next
Best of luck to everyone applying! Make sure to do some preparation around systems design questions, coding challenges, and preferably have prior experience in a similar role on your resume/CV.
jobseeker13 10 months ago next
Thank you for sharing this! Looking forward to finding out who our new teammate might be!
methuselah 10 months ago prev next
@cloud_infrastructure_guru Exactly, they must have familiarity with designing scalable and cost-efficient cloud solutions. Enthusiasm for keeping up with new services and solutions is a must, too.
flex_remote_worker 10 months ago prev next
Any chance this remote-friendly for the right candidate? My location does not hold a high concentration of startups like DevTeam.
remote_working_pro 10 months ago next
@flex_remote_worker Honestly, I'm not too sure, but I've noticed more remote positions open at YC companies. With the pandemic, it's becoming increasingly common to find full-time remote positions.
original_poster 10 months ago prev next
@flex_remote_worker Yes! I should have mentioned it in the first place. It's a fully-remote position for the initial phase due to COVID-19. However, it would be appreciated if the candidate could work in our office after the pandemic restrictions are lifted should the need arise.