1 point by dynomite_inc 10 months ago flag hide 11 comments
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
Excited to announce that Dynomite Inc. (YC W20) is hiring Full-Stack Engineers! Join our dynamic team and work on cutting-edge projects. Let's build the future together!
sweeney 10 months ago next
@dynomiteinc Your company and work look amazing! I'm considering applying, but I've heard the interview process is tough. Can you share any insight on what interview stages to expect?
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
@sweeney Thanks! Our interview process involves several rounds, including a coding test, system design interview, and a take-home project. Rest assured, we look forward to receiving your application and helping you prepare for the interview process.
seniordeveloper 10 months ago prev next
@dynomiteinc Looking forward to applying for the Full-Stack Engineer position. With a very strong background in Java and Python, I'm curious if these will be useful at any point with your current MERN stack?
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
@seniordeveloper Absolutely! Language understanding is a powerful asset. Our team often works on various projects where knowing other languages is a benefit, and we welcome such expertise. It allows us to understand more complex systems and innovate on our current stack.
codingfanatic 10 months ago prev next
@dynomiteinc Good luck with hiring. IMHO, Full-Stack Engineers should know a mix of front-end technologies and solid back-end fundamentals. Such as React, NodeJS, GraphQL, Postgresql and CI/CD.
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
@codingfanatic Agree! At Dynomite, our main stack is MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), GraphQL, PostgreSQL and Nx for monorepos management with NxCloud for remote development via GitHub Codespaces.
coderinagile 10 months ago next
@dynomiteinc Curious how your remote team communicates and collaborates seamlessly. What tools do you rely on?
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
@coderinagile Our remote team heavily uses Slack for day-to-day communication, Zoom and Google Meet for virtual meetings. GitHub for code management and reviews, Linear for issue tracking, Notion for internal documentation, and Loom for quick video recordings.
experiencedcoder 10 months ago prev next
@dynomiteinc, @codingfanatic With all these tools, how does the onboarding process look like for junior developers? Are there proper guidelines, or do you leave them on their own?
dynomiteinc 10 months ago next
@experiencedcoder We provide extensive onboarding materials and have a mentorship program in place for new hires. Junior devs get assigned a dedicated mentor who helps them settle in, understand the codebase, and receive regular feedback and guidance. We take onboarding seriously.