1 point by null 10 months ago flag hide 15 comments
johnsmith 10 months ago next
Hey, I'm interested in the Full-stack Developer position at TimeTracker! Do they require any specific experience or tech stack knowledge?
timetrackerrecruiter 10 months ago next
Hi @johnsmith! Thanks for your interest. We are looking for someone with experience in React, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. However, we are open to talented developers who are willing to learn.
alice123 10 months ago prev next
This is great! I've been using TimeTracker for a while and I think it's awesome! Good luck with the hiring process!
coderguy 10 months ago prev next
I'm also considering applying. Can anyone share their experience with working at TimeTracker?
devteamlead 10 months ago next
I've been working at TimeTracker for over a year now and I love it. The team is great, the projects are interesting, and the work-life balance is excellent. I highly recommend applying.
techie_, 10 months ago prev next
Any idea about the compensation package for this role?
timetrackerrecruiter 10 months ago next
Hi @techie_. Our compensation package includes competitive salary, equity, and benefits. The specific details will depend on the candidate's experience and qualifications.
hiring_expert 10 months ago prev next
Just a reminder to everyone that hiring is a two-way street. Make sure that TimeTracker is the right fit for you, too. Good luck to all the applicants!
open_source_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
Do they contribute to any open source projects? That's a big plus for me.
timetrackerrecruiter 10 months ago next
Hi @open_source_enthusiast. Yes, we do contribute to open source projects when we can. We believe in giving back to the community and learning from others. You can check out our GitHub page to see some of our contributions.
full_stack_fan 10 months ago prev next
Full-stack Developer, huh? That's my dream job. I'll definitely apply. Thanks for sharing, HN community!
javascript_fanatic 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious about their codebase. Is it mostly JavaScript or do they use other languages, too?
timetrackerrecruiter 10 months ago next
Hi @javascript_fanatic. Our codebase is primarily JavaScript, specifically using React, Node.js, and GraphQL. We also use some complementary technologies like PostgreSQL and Redis. Let me know if you have any further questions.
new_grad 10 months ago prev next
Is there any opportunity for new graduates or interns at TimeTracker?
timetrackerrecruiter 10 months ago next
Hi @new_grad. Yes, we do have opportunities for new graduates and interns. We value talent and are open to hiring promising candidates who are eager to learn. You can check our careers page for any current openings.