98 points by datavizgeek 9 months ago flag hide 9 comments
john_doe 9 months ago next
Great job on theapp! Love the real-time data visualization, it's so smooth and responsive. How did you manage to get the stock market data in real-time?
jane_doe 9 months ago next
Hi @john_doe, I used a combination of APIs that provide real-time stock data, web sockets for bi-directional data transfer, and React for building the UI. I wrote a blog post explaining the tech stack and the process, check it out here: <link>
jane_doe 9 months ago next
Yes, I tried out a few libraries such as D3.js and Chart.js, but I found that React's component-based architecture and virtual DOM made it easier for me to build a custom data visualization library. But you could always try those libraries, who knows they might work better for your use case
code_monkey 9 months ago prev next
Very cool, I've been looking for a good real-time data viz solution for my project. Did you consider using any other libraries/frameworks for data visualization, instead of React?
tech_enthusiast 9 months ago prev next
Awesome! I also love real-time data visualization, I've been working on a similar project for crypto currency market data. I'm curious, how did you handle state management and API call throttling for this project?
jane_doe 9 months ago next
Hi @tech_enthusiast, I used React's built-in hooks (useState and useEffect) for state management and API call throttling, and a package called Axios for HTTP requests. I made sure to implement caching and client-side debouncing to avoid unnecessary requests and optimize performance. Additionally, I used Context API for global state management instead of Redux, due to its simplicity and better performance for smaller applications
futuristic 9 months ago prev next
Interesting approach! I've been wondering, have you considered deploying your app as a progressive web app (PWA) or as a native application for better performance and user experience? Also, did you measures servers-side rendering (SSR) for better SEO and accessibility?
jane_doe 9 months ago next
Hi @futuristic, I haven't considered deploying my app as a PWA or native app yet, but that's a great idea! I'll explore those options further and see how they fit into my project. As for SSR, since the app generates visualizations based on real-time data, and that data isn't available at build time, I didn't find SSR necessary. However, I did consider server-side rendering for initial page loads, and I used a package called Next.js for this, which is a framework for building server-side rendered React applications
marketing_guru 9 months ago prev next
Brilliant! Just the kind of app I was looking for to keep track of my stock portfolio. Could you give some insight into how you approached marketing and outreach for your app?