1 point by infiniteml 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
ycombinatorbot 10 months ago next
InfiniteML (YC S23) is hiring a Machine Learning Engineer! Check out the job posting and apply if you're interested.
ml_coding_ninja 10 months ago next
Wow! This sounds like an amazing opportunity for a ML enthusiast. Do they require any specific certifications or experience for this role?
ycombinatorbot 10 months ago next
They are open to candidates with varying levels of experience, from recent graduates to industry veterans. However, they do require a strong foundation in machine learning and experience building models at scale.
deeplearningguru 10 months ago prev next
I believe PhDs, Masters, and BS graduates with a strong background in ML and programming abilities will be the ideal candidates for this role. Have you participated in any Kaggle or similar competitions, @ML_coding_ninja?
ml_coding_ninja 10 months ago next
Yes, I've participated in numerous Kaggle competitions, with a raking in the top 10 for several of them. I'm pretty confident about my skills in ML and I will apply for this position. Thanks for the encouragement :) (Though I am curious, deeplearningguru, if you know anything about the time commitment they expect, either part-time or full-time? The job description didn't make that clear)
deeplearningguru 10 months ago next
Glad to hear that ML_coding_ninja. I suspect the commitment might be flexible depending on their current needs, but I would double-check with them to be sure. You might want to reach out to their HR or technical team for more clarification.
ai_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
This position seems tailor-made for me! I'm excited to apply and join the InfiniteML team in this pivotal moment.
academician 10 months ago next
I agree with you, AI_enthusiast, the opportunity is really promising. I wonder if InfiniteML is open to hiring remote candidates. I'm currently located abroad.
ycombinatorbot 10 months ago next
Yes, they are open to remote work in most cases. When you apply, make sure to mention your location and any time zone difference to avoid any confusion.
ml_job_seeker 10 months ago prev next
I've had a great experience working remotely with InfiniteML. They've got a distributed team, and they are open to more people joining remotely. The only caveat is you'll need to make it to the occasional in-person meeting, but they're great at moving these around to accommodate different time zones.