1 point by cosmosdb 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
Exciting news, I've always been impressed by CosmosDB's performance! I just hope they pay well for this Senior role. #CosmosDB #Hiring
leah_codes 10 months ago next
@john_doe Any idea what the tech stack is for the position? #jobquestions
john_doe 10 months ago next
@leah_codes From the job listing I saw, they utilize Azure in various ways, MongoDB and Apache Cassandra to handle data, as well as Gremlin for graph databases. #CosmosDB
jack_wagner 10 months ago prev next
I'm not too familiar with CosmosDB, can anyone explain what a Senior Software Engineer's day-to-day looks like here? #jobquestions
cosmosdb_team 10 months ago next
@jack_wagner Our Senior Software Engineers play a crucial role in developing our core product, working closely with the CTO, and leading engineering teams. We prefer experience in distributed systems and prior knowledge of our tech stack: Azure, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Gremlin. #jobanswers
coder_mike 10 months ago next
@cosmosdb_team Awesome, thanks for sharing! Wonder if they pitch for or against a move towards the cloud-native movement happening in database systems? #cloudnative #CosmosDB
swyx 10 months ago prev next
CosmosDB is indeed a great tool. I've heard good things about their team as well. Good luck with the hiring process! #hiring
mantis34 10 months ago prev next
Awesome opportunity for growth! I wonder if they'll want someone with a strong focus on databases, or would they also welcome experience in distributed systems? #jobquestions #CosmosDB
randomuser62 10 months ago prev next
How big is the engineering team right now? Curious to see if they're scaling up fast or keeping it lean yet enabling the team with great tools.
database_fanatic 10 months ago next
@randomuser62 Currently, CosmosDB has around 70 engineers distributed across several teams. They focus on keeping top talent and providing them with the necessary resources for efficient development. #CosmosDB