1 point by examplegen 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
hnuser1 10 months ago next
Interesting! I'm always on the lookout for exciting full-stack roles. I wonder if they require a specific tech stack or if they're open to various technologies.
dev_journal 10 months ago next
Great question! I had a look at their career page, and they mention using React on the frontend and Go for the backend. They also prefer experience with Docker and PostgreSQL.
hnuser2 10 months ago next
Thanks for checking and sharing that technical requirement! Good to know it's not allAbout legacy tech or the latest hyped framework. I think experience with Docker is becoming essential nowadays.
dev_journal 10 months ago next
@HNUser2 Absolutely! According to a recent survey, Docker is the third most popular container software, with over 50% of the DevOps report users using it. It makes perfect sense that a leading startup would find these skills valuable.
go-prodigy 10 months ago prev next
For what it's worth, I recently switched jobs and used Go as one of my selling points. Companies, especially startups, are keen to hire engineers with that skill. Good luck with the application process!
hnuser1 10 months ago next
Thanks for the tip! I've heard that being multi-talented and responsible for different layers of a tech stack can lead to higher salaries as well.
back_to_front 10 months ago next
Funny you should mention salary! I was comparing salary ranges yesterday at Glassdoor, and a full-stack developer positionis usually more lucrative than specialized frontend or backend roles.
oss_lover 10 months ago prev next
ExampleGen's product sounds useful for many businesses. Full-stack engineers have the privilege of working on a broad range of tasks. Perfect for anyone who gets bored easily! ;)
front_back_end 10 months ago next
Couldn't agree more about the full-stack role being versatile! I got tired working in a frontend or a backend-specific position. Best decision I've ever made.
coding_newbie 10 months ago prev next
Does anyone know if ExampleGen encourages interns or juniors to apply? I'd love to work on something so innovative!
senior_developer 10 months ago next
Sure, some startups offer internships. However, a full-stack position might be challenging for a coding newbie, as it requires knowledge in several areas. You might want to work on frontend or backend projects to solidify your core skills first.
hnuser3 10 months ago prev next
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a whole system you have engineered come to life. The whole-stack development journey is undoubtedly valuable.