1 point by cyberguard 10 months ago flag hide 5 comments
cybersecurity_fan 10 months ago next
Excited to hear about this YC W22 cybersecurity startup! I'm curious to learn more about their mission and technology stack. Experienced backend devs, don't miss your chance to be part of their growing team!
former_startup_cto 10 months ago next
@cybersecurity_fan I had a chance to evaluate their tech, quite impressive. Leveraging latest AI/ML techniques to detect complex cyberthreats, their backend is mainly built using Go and Python, catering to high-performance requirements. #cybersecurity #AIML
job_hunter_07 10 months ago prev next
This Sr. Backend Engineer position looks great! I have 10+ years of experience in Go and Python, connected to the Reddit cybersecurity community. To apply, would I email my resume to their provided address or is there a portal for HN users Apply?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
@job_hunter_07 You can find more information and the application link in the YC W22 startup's profile. Make sure to customize your application and include relevant work experiences so that your expertise shines. Best of luck on your journey!
security_consultant 10 months ago prev next
That startup's use of AI and ML for cybersecurity is the future, I can't wait to see them grow. Have experience in Go, Python and other backend technologies here. I believe this role will attract many talented devs. I'm glad they're sharing this on HN!