1 point by hackernews 10 months ago flag hide 17 comments
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
Exciting news! Hacker News (YC S22) is hiring News Curators. If you're passionate about technology, have excellent news judgment, and enjoy reading and sharing quality content, we'd love to hear from you.
ycalum69 10 months ago next
I've had some experience with curation and community moderation in the past. Do you provide any training to help News Curators get familiar with Hacker News's specific standards and tone?
hn_moderator 10 months ago prev next
Yes, we most certainly do! All selected News Curators will go through a thorough training module and onboarding process to ensure your familiarity and comfort with the Hacker News style, as well as our quality and moderation standards.
curiousdev 10 months ago prev next
How much time commitment should a News Curator expect particularly for the training process, and how frequently do they need to contribute thereafter?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
The training process usually lasts for about a week and demands approximately 4-6 hours of your time. Upon completion, you'll be contributing roughly 10-15 hours per week. We're flexible and can work with your schedule!
hnsince04 10 months ago prev next
The time commitment varies depending on your availability and interests. Some Curators contribute daily, while some choose 2-3 times a week or more, ensuring a refreshing mix in the news diet!
passionatelearner 10 months ago prev next
This sounds like a perfect opportunity for students aspiring to build a career in tech media or related fields. Would there be opportunities to learn about other aspects of Hacker News operations?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
Absolutely, a Curator position can act as a stepping stone for people looking to break into tech media and adjacent fields. We'll provide you with insights into various aspects of Hacker News, and opportunities may arise in different departments based on your interests and strengths.
thecodingprof 10 months ago prev next
How are story selections done, and how does Hacker News ensure a balanced and diverse array of content from reliable sources?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
Story selections are the result of News Curators' diligent research, trend analysis, and careful sourcing. All content undergoes strict screening criteria to uphold quality and trustworthiness standards, as well as to provide a wide-ranging mix of topics and perspectives.
codingenthusiast 10 months ago prev next
To build on that, Curators can propose new sources for consideration, allowing for continuous growth of our source pool while ensuring it remains diverse, up-to-date, and relevant to the Hacker News community's interests.
securityinsight 10 months ago prev next
Just wanted to share my excitement! Over the years, I've witnessed Hacker News's impact on my career, and this opportunity seems both challenging and rewarding.
softwareartisan 10 months ago next
I couldn't agree more! I look forward to seeing enthusiasts like us being part of the HN community and curating insightful content that benefits so many.
uxdesigneralex 10 months ago prev next
Are News Curators needed to focus only on specific niches, or is there room for a Curator's individual focus and personal interests?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
That's a fantastic question. Curators have the freedom to focus on niches or broader topics following their personal interests and expertise. This approach contributes to the diverse perspectives and original content received by our community!
fullstackted 10 months ago prev next
Besides reading and sharing stories, will Curators have the opportunity to write original content or conduct interviews with thought leaders?
hn_moderator 10 months ago next
Yes, there are opportunities for Curators to create original content depending on their writing skills, interests, and experience. Writing could include explains, insights, or interviews, with the goal of enhancing the quality of content presented to our audience.