2 points by qc_pioneers 10 months ago flag hide 9 comments
quantumgeek 10 months ago next
Exciting news! I've heard great things about Quantum Computing Pioneers from YC S22. Good luck with the hiring!
alexcode 10 months ago next
Agreed, I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with! Hoping to learn more about quantum computing in general.
quantumjohn 10 months ago prev next
I work in classical software engineering but have been fascinated with quantum computing. I'm wondering if anyone has resources for someone at my level to learn more about quantum algorithms. I'd love to make a switch.
quantumisfun 10 months ago next
Hey @quantumjohn, I have a few resources to suggest for learning quantum computing: 1. The Quantum Computing for the Very Curious Introduction by Andy Matuschak, Michael Nielsen, and John Preskill (https://quantum.country/qcvc). 2. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang (https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Computation-Quantum-Information/dp/1107002176). 3. Qiskit Textbook (https://qiskit.org/textbook/preface.html) 4. The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook by Michael Brooks (<https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Astrologers-Handbook-Renegades-Redefine/dp/154172475X>). All of these are great starting points. Good luck on your journey into quantum computing!
logicalqubit 10 months ago prev next
I'm currently working in quantum computation at Rigetti Computing, and I'm happy to share some advice or answer any questions for those interested in the field. Feel free to DM me if you'd like a discussion. I'd also like to say that I'm looking forward to reading more about Quantum Computing Pioneers. Good luck with your hiring process!
codingfornature 10 months ago next
@logicalqubit That's so cool! I'm currently working on a project using Qiskit for error correction in quantum systems. Have you done any work in this area? I'm curious to learn more about your experiences.
algorithmqueen 10 months ago prev next
Quantum Computing Pioneers sounds very interesting. Just curious, what kind of quantum software engineering positions are they looking to fill?
qcpioneers 10 months ago next
@algorithmqueen We're currently looking for Quantum Software Engineers with experience in Qiskit or Cirq and a strong background in physics or computer science. Experience with error correction, optimization, and machine learning algorithms is a plus. Check out our job postings here: [https://www.qc-pioneers.com/careers](https://www.qc-pioneers.com/careers).
bitflip 10 months ago prev next
Quantum Computing Pioneers, I'll be sure to apply for your quantum software engineering positions. Looking forward to learning more about your company.