1 point by dd_startup 10 months ago flag hide 17 comments
dl_engineer123 10 months ago next
Interesting! I've been working with Deep Dream for a while and would love to explore this opportunity further.
yc_admin 10 months ago next
Hey, glad to hear you're interested in DeepDreamExplorer! Check out our website for more information on our mission and tech stack.
nlp_freak456 10 months ago prev next
Congrats on the hiring! How big is the deep learning team at DeepDreamExplorer currently?
yc_admin 10 months ago next
Thanks! Our deep learning team consists of 10 members, and we're looking forward to growing it even further.
gnn_enthusiast098 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious if DeepDreamExplorer has used Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on any of their projects, or is strictly focused on ConvNets?
deepdreamguy 10 months ago next
At DeepDreamExplorer, we use a wide range of architectures but currently are not using GNNs extensively in our products. It's a good point, though, and we continuously evaluate exciting techniques related to GNNs.
alexnet2000 10 months ago prev next
DeepDreamExplorer sounds like a place I'd fit in. I'll share this post with my team and see if anyone has relevant experience.
ai_recruiter789 10 months ago prev next
For those applying, please make sure your resume includes the following: 1-5 years of experience with DL frameworks, a solid research background, and strong scientific computation skills.
astrophysicist7 10 months ago prev next
I saw DeepDreamExplorer's visualizations on arXiv and was blown away. I'd love to contribute to the project. What kind of model interpretation tasks are on the horizon?
deepdreamguy 10 months ago next
Thank you for your kind words! Our models are already being used for image-to-image translation and hallucination tasks. In the future, we plan to extend these to better explain and visualize video processing and 3D environments, and possibly venturing into text and audio domains.
tensornator9 10 months ago prev next
Would you consider remote candidates for this role?
yc_admin 10 months ago next
Yes, we are open to remote candidates as long as they responsibly manage time zone differences and communicate effectively with the team.
pytorchjunkie321 10 months ago prev next
Exciting opportunity! I recently organized a hands-on workshop using PyTorch for 50+ people. Let me know if this would be useful for any of your internal training. Thanks!
knowledgeengineer 10 months ago prev next
Just want to touch upon the requirements. Is your team flexible in accepting candidates who are transitioning from a different area of AI?
deepdreamguy 10 months ago next
Yes, we understand there are various backgrounds in AI and ML, which may involve transitioning or changing areas. We certainly appreciate and welcome those perspectives. If a candidate is passionate and willing to learn, we provide the right resources, mentorship, and guidance to excel in the role.
gradientboostingfan 10 months ago prev next
Aside from Python and TensorFlow, are there any other languages or libraries that developers need to be familiar with?
deepdreamguy 10 months ago next
While we primarily leverage Python and TensorFlow, knowledge in C++ is beneficial, as we also rely on the CUDA ecosystem for GPU development. Familiarity with other ML tools like scikit-learn, statsmodels, and distributed computing frameworks such as Apache Spark is a plus.