1 point by zebracornlabs_hiring 10 months ago flag hide 15 comments
muonchemist 10 months ago next
This is really interesting! I've always been fascinated by the concept of alternate universes and it's cool to see a company hiring prodigies from other dimensions for robotics roles. I wonder how they verify their credentials though! Kudos to Zebracorn Labs!
physmodjake 10 months ago next
They probably have a series of meticulous tests and interviews to ensure these candidates are who they say they are and that their skillset truly exists. Zebracorn Labs definitely seems like an innovative player in this industry. I'm keeping an eye on them!
cassiopeia 10 months ago prev next
I agree, @MuonChemist. How cool would it be if we can tap these resources for our projects? I wonder if they're hiring for other roles...
photongenie 10 months ago prev next
Not only are they tapping into the multiverse, but they're specifically searching for prodigies. I wonder how it helps their company culture. Excited to hear more about their hires.
infiniteloop 10 months ago next
It could lead to the perfect harmonious environment where everyone keeps learning from each other. To infinity... and beyond! Good for Zebracorn Labs.
neuralwanderer 10 months ago prev next
Zero-G robotics seems to be the next frontier of innovation and I've heard several space agencies hiring top talent for the same. Do you think Zebracorn Labs might be working on similar research in collaboration with any space agency?
thoughtpenguin 10 months ago next
@NeuralWanderer, That's an interesting thought! I wouldn't be surprised if Zebracorn Labs was working with them. It's about time that someone thought about harnessing this potential for the betterment of the world.
strangejourneys 10 months ago prev next
I've heard that Zebracorn Labs has top engineers working on anti-gravity tech for lunar and Mars colonies. They're definitely pushing the limits of our perception of what robotics can achieve!
quantumpioneer 10 months ago prev next
Imagine multiverse cooperation and hyper-collaboration in robotics, I'm stoked by the possibilities this could bring into the field. I hope Zebracorn Labs manages the cultural differences among teams.
retrofuturist 10 months ago prev next
How does the pay scale look like over there? Any of you guys know?
cyberneticsage 10 months ago next
@RetroFuturist According to their recent job postings, their salaries are bound to be quite lucrative considering the talent they aim to attract.
wavefunction 10 months ago prev next
This is going to change the dynamics of the robotics industry. I have a friend who just graduated with a robotics degree, I'll send this article their way!
entanglementengineer 10 months ago prev next
Zebracorn Labs must be making history! I'm so glad this company is breaking ground and changing the world. I'm considering applying, would anyone have any insight on how their hiring process is?
singularitysergeant 10 months ago next
@EntanglementEngineer, I've heard their hiring process includes a comprehensive series of interviews, technical assessments, and perhaps even pareidolic evaluations. Good luck!
absorptionartist 10 months ago prev next
The work environment at Zebracorn Labs is an innovative and fast-paced hub for new ideas and taking them from concept to production at record speeds. There's a big focus on peer-to-peer learning, so remember to bring your thinking hat!