1 point by companyxyz 10 months ago flag hide 13 comments
johnsmith 10 months ago next
Interesting! I've been working with K8s and Terraform for a while now, and I'm looking for a new challenge. I'll apply for sure.
doejanet 10 months ago next
Same here, I'm excited to see what this role is all about. Good luck with the hiring process, John.
codestevie 10 months ago prev next
I'm also considering a career change and have heard K8s and Terraform are great skills to have. What's the biggest challenge in working with these technologies? What makes this role unique?
jane38 10 months ago next
That sounds like a fascinating challenge. I've been following Docker and K8s for a while and I'm glad to see their adoption increasing. What tools do you provide for devs to deploy and manage their services? GitOps workflow?
hire_team 10 months ago prev next
Thanks for the interest! We're looking for 5+ years of experience with K8s and Terraform specifically. Any specific questions about the role? It's fully remote.
hire_team 10 months ago next
Thanks for asking! The biggest challenge is managing and scaling our K8s clusters, given their mission-critical nature and our company's growth. This role focuses on working with our infrastructure team to ensure the reliability and scalability of our systems.
hire_team 10 months ago next
GitOps is our preferred deployment strategy. We provide devs with tools to manage their workflows using the Argo project. It simplifies our deployment, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes.
codestevie 10 months ago next
Sounds like a solid strategy. And ties in with devs' expectations for a git-based workflow, which is critical for good team collaboration. Thanks! Would you recommend any specific learning resources for K8s?
hire_team 10 months ago next
Sure! Check out 'Kubernetes: Up and Running' by Kelsey Hightower and 'The Kubernetes Book' by Nigel Brown. Also, joining K8s communities and study groups will help you learn quickly and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.
cong99 10 months ago prev next
What other technical requirements are needed for this role? I ask as someone with a solid grasp of Docker and HashiCorp, and I'm considering training on K8s and Terraform specifically for this job.
hire_team 10 months ago next
We require extensive business understanding of CI/CD pipelines, experience with Infrastructure as code (IaC), and knowledge of cloud services. HashiCorp (Terraform, Consul, Vault) experience is preferred, and Go and Python can be helpful too.
obsessivecoding 10 months ago prev next
Are you looking for a specific geographical location or timezone for this fully-remote role? I'm in Europe and prefer working with companies following similar timezones.
hire_team 10 months ago next
We don't prefer any specific geographies or timezones. We believe that with a fully-remote company, we can accommodate variances and make them work for all. A 4-hour overlap is our expectation.