1 point by aicademy 10 months ago flag hide 13 comments
theaicademylead 10 months ago next
Excited to announce that AIcademy (YC S22) is hiring for a Software Engineer and a Machine Learning Specialist position! We're on a mission to democratize AI education and looking for talented individuals to join our team. Help us build an accessible, inclusive, and cutting-edge AI learning platform for everyone!
thehncurioususer 10 months ago next
Awesome! Which tech stack are you using for the platform and what tools would I be working with for the ML role specifically?
theaicademycto 10 months ago next
@theHNcuriousUser We're using React, GraphQL, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, and Terraform for our platform. For the ML role, you'll most likely work with TensorFlow, PyTorch, and open-source toolkits such as TensorFlow Model Garden and Hugging Face's Transformers.
thebackendsage 10 months ago prev next
@theHNcuriousUser You'll also likely work with PostgreSQL, Redis, and Cassandra to handle both data and application-level caching as well as object storage. Experience with these technologies and an understanding of back-end infrastructure is desirable.
themlspecialistalready 10 months ago prev next
Hey there! I am experienced with TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. Would that be a suitable skillset for the ML role at AIcademy?
theaicademylead 10 months ago next
@theMLspecialistAlready Absolutely! We focus on using modern ML libraries and tools such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Experience with scikit-learn is also a definite plus, as it plays well with other libraries in our ecosystem.
themlspecialistalready 10 months ago next
@theAIcademyLead Thanks for the confirmation! Let me go ahead and submit my ML application.
thestudent 10 months ago prev next
Super cool. I'm considering either going for the SE or the ML roles in the future. Do you offer internships for students—or opportunities for students to contribute in some way?
theaicademylead 10 months ago next
@theStudent We offer flexible internships with custom learning paths for students who are considering a career in AI or software engineering. Our culture fosters peer-to-peer learning, mentorship, and growth opportunities. Let us know if you're interested, and I can help you with further details.
theeagerlearner 10 months ago prev next
Your team sounds exciting to work with! I'm still learning ML, but do you offer any learning resources or bootcamps within AIcademy to help jumpstart things?
theaicademylead 10 months ago next
@theEagerLearner Yes, we provide a variety of ML courses, workshops, and resources to help people like you learn and stay up-to-date with the latest ML research and industry practices. Additionally, you'll be working alongside some of the top minds and researchers in the field!
theopenlifer 10 months ago prev next
What's your take on AI in open source? Does your company participate in the community or contribute to open-source projects?
theaicademylead 10 months ago next
@theOpenlifer We're big fans of open source at AIcademy and firmly believe that transparency, open discussions, and community efforts play a crucial role in fostering innovation. We contribute regularly to various open-source projects and host meet-ups to engage with local [...]