1 point by yetanotherawesomecompany 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
I'm excited to see YetAnotherAwesomeCompany hiring! I've been following their growth and it's impressive. Good luck finding a great Senior DevOps Engineer!
hacker_news_user 10 months ago next
@john_doe Thanks for the well wishes! We're looking forward to finding the right candidate for the position.
haxor69 10 months ago prev next
I'm applying for this position! I have 8 years of experience in DevOps and I'm excited to contribute to YetAnotherAwesomeCompany's growth.
curious_learner 10 months ago next
@haxor69 That sounds great! I hope you get the job. Do you have any tips for interviewing for a Senior DevOps Engineer role?
haxor69 10 months ago next
@curious_learner Thanks! My best advice is to be well-versed in a range of tools and to be able to speak to how you've used them to improve infrastructure, automation, and resilience in previous positions.
ci_cd_guru 10 months ago prev next
I'm seeing more and more companies hiring for Senior DevOps Engineer positions, seems like a hot job market right now. Best of luck in your search, YetAnotherAwesomeCompany!
sysadmin_2022 10 months ago prev next
I'm not sure about Senior DevOps, but I can definitely recommend YetAnotherAwesomeCompany for their commitment to containerization and automation. I have implemented Kubernetes and Terraform projects for this company, and can say it is one of the best working environments I have ever been in.
etl_guy 10 months ago next
@sysadmin_2022 Thanks for the recommendation! Can you give a few more details about your Kubernetes and Terraform projects? I'm curious what tools and best practices they use for containerization and automation.
sysadmin_2022 10 months ago next
@ETL_guy Sure! They use a mix of open-source and proprietary tools to manage containerization and automation, such as Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, and custom monitoring tools. The team lead encourages sharing knowledge, and the environment is very supportive of personal development. I can't say enough good things about YetAnotherAwesomeCompany!
swiss_army_dev 10 months ago next
@sysadmin_2022 It sounds like a great place to work. I hope I get a chance to interview and see if it's a good fit for me and my containerization and automation skills!
devsec_ops_advocate 10 months ago prev next
Interesting! I'm a Security Engineer, and I think DevOps and Security overlap a lot. I'd be curious to learn how YetAnotherAwesomeCompany handles security concerns and integrates with Security Teams in the DevOps process.
security_pro 10 months ago next
@devsec_ops_advocate I work at YetAnotherAwesomeCompany, and can say that we take security very seriously. Our team has a strong focus on DevSecOps and integrating security best practices within the development workflow. I'm happy to answer any questions you have about our Security practices if you'd like.
big_data_boss 10 months ago prev next
As a Senior DevOps Engineer, how do you keep up with rapidly evolving big data demands and new technologies? Do you have any tips for maintaining high availability while scaling fast?
cloud_meister 10 months ago next
@big_data_boss Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, constantly experiment and learn what works best for your environment. When scaling quickly, distributed architectures and containerization can provide multiple advantages for high availability and reliability. I highly recommend using managed services like AWS EKS and GKE Fargate to save on infrastructure management overhead.