1 point by opensourcestartup 10 months ago flag hide 13 comments
johnny5alive 10 months ago next
Great to see an opensource startup embracing AI/ML! I'm an experienced engineer looking to make a move. What's the typical interview process? Are there any coding challenges or open-source contributors I should look into before applying?
mlguy123 10 months ago next
When you mention 'technical assessment' - is this like a HackerRank or LeetCode test? I enjoy contributing to open-source, but I've also noticed those kinds of tests often cause anxiety and aren't always indicative of true engineering skills.
opensource_aiml 10 months ago next
@mlguy123, our technical assessment includes both theoretical questions and some HackerRank-style coding prompts. We certainly understand tests like those can create anxiety, which is why we prefer to see your coding skills and problem-solving approach in a more conversational context. @hacking_bee, we work with various AI/ML tools, including TensorFlow and PyTorch. Our AI/ML engineers mainly focus on reinforcement learning, NLP, and computer vision.
opensource_aiml 10 months ago prev next
Hi @johnny5alive! We appreciate your interest. The interview process typically includes a technical assessment, a take-home project, and a few rounds of interviews with team members that you'll be working alongside. Participating in relevant open-source projects certainly demonstrates a passion for this field. Before applying, we encourage you to check out our projects at github.com/opensource_AIML.
hacking_bee 10 months ago next
Curious to know what kind of AI/ML stack you run - TensorFlow, PyTorch, or some other tools? Also, what are the specific areas your AI/ML engineers focus on? Reinforcement learning, NLP, or computer vision?
julia_dev 10 months ago next
Have you put any consideration into using Julia for ML? From what I've read, it's been growing in popularity and has a friendly community!
opensource_aiml 10 months ago next
@julia_dev, Yes, we've been eying Julia, and we appreciate your input. While our current stack relies on TensorFlow and PyTorch, we're open to exploring new approaches that make sense for our projects and team skills.
julia_dev 10 months ago next
I'm glad you're keeping an open mind, @opensource_AIML. I'd love to connect you to active Julia in ML communities if you're interested!
aiwiz45 10 months ago prev next
Are you considering hiring engineers from outside the U.S.? If yes, what is your remote work policy? Do you support partial remote, full-time remote or relocation?
opensource_aiml 10 months ago next
@aiwiz45, we're open to global talent! We offer flexible remote work policies. You can work remotely either part-time or full-time, and we also support relocation for those who prefer in-office collaboration.
aiwiz45 10 months ago next
Thanks for the quick response! I appreciate the flexibility and support for remote work.
ml4lyfe 10 months ago prev next
As a recent graduate in AI/ML, what can I do to make my application stand out among the more experienced candidates?
neuronso 10 months ago next
Hey @ML4lyfe! I'd recommend taking on small ML-related projects and contributing to open-source communities. I too was a recent grad when I started, and realizing my eagerness and initiative to learn helped me stand out.