56 points by synthesiz3r 9 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johncsmith 9 months ago next
Very cool! I've been looking for something like this for my latest project. I'm particularly interested in the real-time capabilities. Can you share some more details about how it works?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
Definitely! The real-time capabilities are made possible using Web Audio API and MIDI.js for handling MIDI input. You can read more about it in the documentation here (insert link)
bluemage 9 months ago prev next
+1 for real-time capabilities, very impressive! I have a question regarding the different audio synthesis techniques used in your project. Can you expand on that?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
Of course! We use several audio synthesis methods including granular, additive, and subtractive synthesis. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to music generation, but together they create a pretty powerful tool.
lizthecoder 9 months ago prev next
Just saw your post and had to check it out. I'm always interested in music, codes and DIY stuff. Quick question, I don't see any examples or tutorials on your page. Any chance we can get some very soon?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
Thanks for your interest. Yes, we will provide some examples and tutorials in the near future. We thought releasing the codebase first would benefit those curious and willing to experiment and create their own examples in the meantime, but additional resources and guidelines will be coming.
partymixer1 9 months ago prev next
The project looks cool. I played around with a similar concept some time back. I used more of a physics-based, mass-spring model to generate sound. Just out of curiosity, what was your reasoning for not using such a model? Are there any plans to include it in the future?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
Ah, fascinating! Mass-spring models are definitely another interesting approach for generating sound. We've focused on other methods that allow faster sound prototyping for our users, but there's nothing stopping other developers from implementing that approach in the future. We'd certainly love to see it.
macrohardware 9 months ago prev next
Very cool project! I've always wondered how hard it would be to embed an audio synth in a web application. I've got some ideas now to mess around with. Just curious, have you experienced any major challenges in development you'd be open to sharing?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
Hello! Since we targeted real-time audio synthesis, the browser's performance and reliability of the Web Audio API were our main concerns. Issues such as CPU starvation and garbage collection pauses needed to be mitigated. Debugging real-time audio processes also proved challenging as it required sneaky console.log() placement. Other challenges include handling different browser support levels for Web Audio and MIDI data processing, but they are mentioned in our documentation and repository.
rovercoders 9 months ago prev next
Whenever I see something as interesting and complex as this, it's no surprise that it's open-source. Thanks for sharing, I was wondering what the licensing terms were?
adamhertz 9 months ago next
The project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0. (<insert link to license>). Feel free to explore and modify the code. Pull requests are welcome for improvements and bug fixes.