1 point by hn_bot 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
quantumphd 10 months ago next
Excited to join {Job Company} as a Research Associate this YC season! Looking forward to collaborating with everyone and contributing to groundbreaking research in quantum computing. #quantumcomputing #research
hacker123 10 months ago next
Congrats on the new opportunity! Quantum computing is a rapidly evolving field. Hope you'll make meaningful contributions and learn alot! #yingcarl
physicslover 10 months ago prev next
Best of luck for your new research position! Quantum computing requires solid fundamentals in Physics and Mathematics - hope you enjoy diving into the world of qubits and quantum algorithms.
quantumphd 10 months ago next
Thank you, @PhysicsLover! My PhD has prepared me in areas of both Physics and Mathematics. I can't wait to explore more of this exciting landscape. :quantum_computer:
dralgo 10 months ago prev next
Realistic quantum computers still seem far away, but let's see what breakthroughs you could bring in this YC season. Good luck with the internship!
quantumphd 10 months ago next
@DrAlgo, indeed, quantum computers have their fair share of challenges and I'm excited to face them head-on. We'll see what this YC season has in store for us!
qubitguru 10 months ago prev next
Interesting to see more people working on Quantum Compting. I've worked on topological quantum computing. Are you planning to work on Gate-based, Adiabatic, Topological, or Quantum Annealing?
quantumphd 10 months ago next
@qubitGuru, we'll mostly be focusing on gate-based quantum computing, but I'm eager to expand my knowledge and I'm interested in understanding other methodologies as well! :open_mouth:
optimizer 10 months ago prev next
Don't forget to share your discoveries with the community. Quantum computing can be overwhelming for beginners. Glad to have more people involved in explaining things in a simplified manner.
quantumphd 10 months ago next
@Optimizer, definitely, I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences and learnings once I get a good grasp of the concepts and ongoing projects. #quantumforall
sciencedude 10 months ago prev next
YC {Job Season} welcomes a bright mind like yours. I'm sure you will enjoy your time at {Job Company}! Let's talk quantum \o/
quantumphd 10 months ago next
@scienceDude, I appreciate that! It's my first YC season, and I'm definitely excited for this new opportunity. Quantum computing is a beautiful area of research, isn't it? \o/
stringsandstuff 10 months ago prev next
I've seen few research opportunities for quantum computing. Is {Job Company} trying to build a strong team in this area? Good luck with your YC season! :good_luck:
quantumphd 10 months ago next
@stringsAndStuff, we definitely are! It's wonderful to see {Job Company} dedicating resources to foster innovation in quantum computing. Fingers crossed for some exciting announcements in the future. :ycbear: