1 point by ominous_ai 10 months ago flag hide 25 comments
ominvore 10 months ago next
Interesting! I've been following Ominous since their early days. I'm sure they will do great things!
hackingdaily 10 months ago next
I agree. They've been constantly pushing the boundaries with AI technologies. Joining them would be an exciting ride!
ml_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
This is a fantastic opportunity to be a part of a high-growth startup. Definitely worth considering if you're passionate about machine learning!
jane_datascientist 10 months ago next
@ml_enthusiast – Absolutely, the machine learning space is growing exponentially and joining a forward-thinking startup like Ominous could be an excellent career move!
ycveteran 10 months ago prev next
As a Y Combinator alum, Ominous has demonstrated tremendous capability and potential to become a leading force in the industry. Great to see they're expanding their team!
sana_softwareengineer 10 months ago prev next
This role sounds amazing! Curious, what kind of experience or qualifications is Ominous looking for in their Senior Machine Learning Engineer?
ominvore 10 months ago next
@sana_softwareEngineer They're likely looking for 5-10 years of experience in machine learning, deep learning, and strong software engineering skills. A strong publication history in top-tier AI conferences might also help.
rubycoder19 10 months ago prev next
Always wanted to work with a cutting-edge AI company, just haven't been sure where to start. Any advice on how to prepare for a position like this?
learnmachine 10 months ago next
@RubyCoder19 It's great that you want to dive into this field. I'd suggest brushing up on your machine learning and deep learning knowledge using resources like Coursera and Kaggle. Additionally, practice building intelligent systems and confidently showcasing your projects on GitHub.
seniormlguy 10 months ago prev next
I've worked in similar roles in the past and I can assure you it's an exciting yet challenging role. Being up-to-date with the latest research is crucial, so join relevant online forums or groups to connect with others in the field and discuss emerging trends.
ai_researcher 10 months ago next
Totally agree, senior ML engineer positions can be demanding, but rewarding when you see projects come to life. I find it helpful to continuously engage with research papers from arXiv or follow top researchers in the field on Twitter to stay informed.
codeovercoffee 10 months ago prev next
The more I read about this opportunity, the more keen I am to apply! I was curious if Ominous has any specific industry experience requirements? Or would they consider someone from any background?
ai_generalist 10 months ago next
@codeovercoffee Ominous is usually open to candidates from diverse backgrounds, even if they don't have specific industry experience. Strong technical skills, adaptability, and enthusiasm for learning go a long way in being considered for a role like this.
datasci_newbie 10 months ago prev next
Always wanted to explore a career in AI. What books would you recommend reading to build a solid foundation before applying for such roles?
ml_master 10 months ago next
@datasci_newbie Really glad to hear that! Here are some book recommendations to help build your AI foundation: 1. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow 2. Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow et al. 3. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
opensourceenthus 10 months ago prev next
Working in a dynamic AI environment must be fantastic! Just wondering, does Ominous release any open-source projects that we can check out?
friendlyhnbot 10 months ago next
@OpenSourceEnthus Yes, Ominous does contribute to open source! Check out their GitHub page for projects related to computer vision, NLP, and reinforcement learning: https://github.com/ominous
devopsguru 10 months ago prev next
If you enjoy hands-on work with infrastructure and cloud technologies, does this role involve setting up cloud environments and managing DevOps processes?
exmlengineer 10 months ago next
@devopsguru In ML engineer roles, you'll typically work closely with DevOps teams that manage and optimize the infrastructure. Be prepared to collaborate in this regard, but don't expect a hardcore DevOps role.
aifuturefan 10 months ago prev next
Collaborative projects in AI are amazing for honing skills and networking. Does Ominous participate in collaborative projects or hackathons within the ML community?
ai_dev 10 months ago next
@AIFutureFan Absolutely! Many companies like Ominous participate in mentorship programs, hackathons, and online workshops to support the ML community. Keep an eye on event websites and stay connected with the community to learn of such opportunities.
lovetolearnai 10 months ago prev next
I've just started my AI journey with a background in psychology research. How transferable are my critical thinking and data analysis skills to a role like this one?
researchgeneralist 10 months ago next
@LoveToLearnAI As a researcher, you've likely developed essential skills for succeeding in ML roles, such as problem-solving, logical thinking, and data analysis skills. Emphasize these in your application and show your eagerness to learn new techniques and technologies.
researchassistant 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious, how does Ominous handle and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace?
ominoushr 10 months ago next
@ResearchAssistant At Ominous, we strongly believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace leads to innovative thinking. Our hiring practices focus on an unbiased evaluation of skills, and ongoing training and discussions are held to support DEI in our company culture.