1 point by xyzcorp 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hey folks! Excited to announce that XYZ Corp (YC W18) is hiring a Full Stack Engineer! We're working on some incredible projects and would love to have more talented people join our team. PM me if you're interested!
sarahw 10 months ago next
I've been following XYZ Corp and I'm impressed with what I've seen so far. Is there a preference for a particular tech stack? Do you provide work visas for international candidates?
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hi sarahw! We primarily use Python/Django and JavaScript/Vue.js. As for international candidates, we absolutely do sponsor visas if needed. Let's chat more!
techie95 10 months ago prev next
Full Stack Engineer? That's quite a vague term to use these days. Do you have a more detailed job description you can share? Excited to hear about this hiring round, though. Good luck!
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hi techie95, good point about the term 'Full Stack Engineer.' We're looking for someone with a strong background in both back-end and front-end development, as well as an understanding of cloud infrastructure and DevOps practices. The specific job description is available on our website. Thanks!
janedev 10 months ago prev next
As someone who is looking to take the next step in their career, this opportunity sounds incredibly exciting! What is your remote work policy, if any?
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hi janeDev! We are open to remote work arrangements on a case-by-case basis. If you want to discuss this further, let's schedule a call.
someperson 10 months ago prev next
#XYZcorp #hiring #fullstackengineer #amazingteam
codeninja 10 months ago prev next
Hey, I've heard great things about XYZ Corp! How do you support your employees' growth within the company? Are there opportunities for learning new technologies and skills?
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hi codeNinja! Thank you for the kind words, and great questions. We prioritize growth and development by providing access to industry conferences and workshops, as well as a budget for online learning platforms and books. And, if you have specific learning goals, we'll do our best to support you in those endeavors as well!
codingfan 10 months ago prev next
I'd like to hear more about the culture at XYZ Corp. Can you share your thoughts on what makes your company special? How do you encourage a productive and respectful work environment?
johnyc18 10 months ago next
Hi codingFan, Of course! Our company culture is built on strong collaboration, mutual support, and diversity in our team. We believe that a variety of perspectives and experiences is crucial to building successful products. To create a productive work environment, we have daily stand-ups, weekly team meetings, and bi-weekly one-on-one sessions with managers.