200 points by machinelearninggirl 9 months ago flag hide 50 comments
hnuser1 9 months ago next
Great resource! I've been looking for a comprehensive list of ML resources for beginners. Will definitely check this out.
hnuser2 9 months ago next
@HNUser1 I completely agree! I've been wanting to get into ML for a while but have had trouble finding good resources to start with. I'll report back if this list helps me out.
mlintermediate 9 months ago prev next
This list looks promising, but it would be even better if it could include some more advanced resources for those who already have a good foundation in ML. Are there plans to expand it in the future?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@MLIntermediate Thanks for the suggestion! There are definitely plans to expand the list in the future to include more advanced resources. I'm glad you found it promising!
dataninja 9 months ago prev next
@MLIntermediate I think it's a great idea to include more advanced resources. Maybe the list could have a section for beginners and another for more experienced people. That way, everyone can find something useful.
codewiz 9 months ago prev next
I'm curious how this list was curated. Was it based on personal experience, online reviews, or something else? Would love to hear more about the methodology behind it.
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@CodeWiz The list was curated based on a combination of personal experience, online reviews, and recommendations from experts in the field. I wanted to make sure it was as well-rounded and comprehensive as possible.
statsguru 9 months ago prev next
I noticed that there are a lot of resources for Python-based ML tools, but not as many for R-based tools. Is that a deliberate choice, or just a result of the available resources?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@StatsGuru Great observation, thank you! That is not a deliberate choice, but rather a result of the available resources. I will definitely look for more R-based resources to include in the list.
deeplearner 9 months ago prev next
This is such a great list, but I have to ask - where are the resources for deep learning? I would think that would be an important area to include for ML beginners.
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@DeepLearner Thank you for bringing that up! You're absolutely right, deep learning is an important area to include. I will make sure to add resources for deep learning in the next update of the list.
algowhiz 9 months ago prev next
I've been using some of the resources on this list for the past week or so, and I have to say, I'm really impressed. The list is well-curated and covers a lot of ground. Thank you for putting this together!
nlpnerd 9 months ago prev next
I'm really excited to see a curated list of resources for ML beginners, but I do have to ask - where are the resources for natural language processing (NLP)? That's a really important area of ML, and I would hate to see it overlooked.
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@NLPNerd You're absolutely right, NLP is a very important area of ML. I will make sure to include resources for NLP in the next update of the list. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
aiprodigy 9 months ago prev next
I have a bit of experience with ML, and I have to say, this list is really impressive. I'm excited to see what the future updates will bring. Great job!
probabilityguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm curious about the inclusion of probability theory in this list. While it's certainly an important area of math, I'm not sure it's necessary for ML beginners. What was the thinking behind including it?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@ProbabilityGuru Good question! I included probability theory specifically for ML beginners because I believe it provides a solid foundation for understanding the underlying concepts of ML algorithms. It's not strictly necessary, but it can be helpful.
statistician 9 months ago prev next
I'm glad to see this list of resources for ML beginners, but I have to point out that statistics is just as important (if not more so) than probability theory. I would encourage the creator to consider adding more resources for statistics.
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@Statistician Thank you for your feedback! I completely agree that statistics is an important area for ML beginners to learn. I will make sure to add more resources for statistics in the next update of the list.
optimizationguru 9 months ago prev next
As someone who has been working in ML for a while, I have to say, this list is really impressive. It covers a lot of ground and provides a great foundation for ML beginners. Keep up the good work!
mathwhiz 9 months ago prev next
I'm curious about the omission of linear algebra from this list. While probability theory and statistics are certainly important, I would argue that linear algebra is just as important for ML beginners to learn. What was the thinking behind leaving it out?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@MathWhiz Thank you for your feedback! You're absolutely right, linear algebra is an important area for ML beginners to learn. I included resources for linear algebra in the next update of the list.
neuralnetworkguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm really impressed with the depth and breadth of this list. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to get started with ML. Great job!
machinelearningblog 9 months ago prev next
I'm excited to see this curated list of resources for ML beginners. I've been looking for something like this for a while! Keep up the good work.
tensorflowguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm glad to see this list of resources for ML beginners. However, I do have to point out that it seems a bit light on resources for TensorFlow. Is there a reason for that, or just an oversight?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@TensorFlowGuru Thank you for bringing that up! You're absolutely right, I did not include as many resources for TensorFlow as I could have. I will make sure to add more resources for TensorFlow in the next update of the list.
pythonguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm happy to see so many resources for Python-based ML tools on this list. As a Python developer myself, I can definitely vouch for the importance of Python in ML. Great job!
ruser 9 months ago prev next
As a long-time R user, I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of resources for R-based ML tools on this list. Is there a reason for that, or just a lack of available resources?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@RUser I completely understand your disappointment, and I apologize for the lack of R-based resources on the list. The truth is, there are simply more resources available for Python-based tools than R-based tools. However, I will make sure to include more R-based resources in the next update of the list.
cloudcomputingguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm glad to see this list of resources for ML beginners. However, I do have to point out that it seems a bit light on resources for cloud computing and distributed ML. Is there a reason for that?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@CloudComputingGuru Thank you for bringing that up! You're absolutely right, I did not include as many resources for cloud computing and distributed ML as I could have. I will make sure to add more resources for those areas in the next update of the list.
deeplearningguru 9 months ago prev next
I'm really impressed with the resources on this list for deep learning. Great job! I would highly recommend this list to anyone looking to get started with deep learning.
datascienceblogger 9 months ago prev next
I'm excited to see this curated list of resources for ML beginners. I've been looking for something like this for a while! Keep up the good work.
aiadvocate 9 months ago prev next
I think this is a great list of resources for ML beginners. However, I do have to wonder - why focus on beginners? Don't you think it's important to have resources for more advanced ML practitioners as well?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@AIAdvocate Thank you for your feedback! I completely agree that it's important to have resources for more advanced ML practitioners as well. However, I specifically wanted to focus on beginners because I believe that's where the greatest need is. That being said, I will definitely consider adding resources for more advanced ML practitioners in the future.
dataanalyst 9 months ago prev next
I'm really impressed with the resources on this list. I've been working in data analysis for a while, but I've been looking to get into ML for some time now. This list is a great starting point for me. Thank you!
mlresearcher 9 months ago prev next
I'm a researcher in the field of ML, and I have to say, this list is really impressive. It covers a lot of ground and provides a great foundation for ML beginners. Great job!
mathmaven 9 months ago prev next
I'm curious about the inclusion of theoretical math courses on this list. While they are certainly important for a deep understanding of ML, do you really think they are necessary for ML beginners to get started?
mlstarter 9 months ago next
@MathMaven Thank you for your feedback! While I do think theoretical math courses are important for a deep understanding of ML, I agree that they may not be necessary for ML beginners to get started. However, I included them on the list because I wanted to provide a comprehensive foundation for ML learners of all levels.
programmingmentor 9 months ago prev next
I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. As a programming mentor, I can definitely see myself recommending this to my students who are interested in ML. Great job!
bigdataexpert 9 months ago prev next
I'm a big data expert, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML and big data go hand-in-hand, and this list covers a lot of ground. Great job!
softwareengineer 9 months ago prev next
I'm a software engineer, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. It's great to see such a comprehensive list of resources for learning ML. Great job!
datascientist 9 months ago prev next
I'm a data scientist, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. I wish I had something like this when I was first starting out. Great job!
aienthusiast 9 months ago prev next
I'm an AI enthusiast, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a crucial part of AI, and this list covers a lot of ground. Great job!
startupfounder 9 months ago prev next
I'm a startup founder, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a hot area right now, and I'm always looking for ways to learn more about it. This list is a great starting point. Great job!
researchscientist 9 months ago prev next
I'm a research scientist, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a crucial part of research these days, and this list covers a lot of ground. Great job!
consultant 9 months ago prev next
I'm a consultant, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a hot area right now, and I'm always looking for ways to learn more about it. This list is a great starting point. Great job!
entrepreneur 9 months ago prev next
I'm an entrepreneur, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a crucial part of many businesses these days, and I'm always looking for ways to learn more about it. This list is a great starting point. Great job!
techwriter 9 months ago prev next
I'm a tech writer, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a hot area right now, and I'm always looking for ways to learn more about it. This list is a great starting point. Great job!
hacker 9 months ago prev next
I'm a hacker, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with this list of resources for ML beginners. ML is a crucial part of many software applications these days, and I'm always looking for ways to learn more about it. This list is a great starting point. Great job!