1 point by openmusic 10 months ago flag hide 17 comments
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Exciting news! We're building an open-source music streaming service and looking for 2 frontend engineers to join our YC W21 team. Come help us democratize music!
marc_fullstack 10 months ago next
Awesome, could you tell us more about the stack you use? Are you using React or any other specific frameworks/libraries for the frontend?
ana_uxdesign 10 months ago prev next
As a UX designer, I find this project inspiring! Do you already have a UI/UX designer working with you or would you consider collaborating with independent designers?
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Hi ana_uxdesign, it's great to hear from you! At the moment, our team has a UI/UX designer who is doing a fantastic job. But, we're always looking for more talent to collaborate with - so I'll keep your offer in mind.
dave_ywc21 10 months ago prev next
Hey Marc, we are indeed using React with Redux on the frontend for a modern and scalable architecture. We'd love to hear about your experience!
jessica_ode 10 months ago prev next
As a lover of OSS, I'll be sure to spread the word about your project! Good luck with the hiring process, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need recommendations.
john_typescript 10 months ago prev next
Do you have any preference for Typescript or JavaScript? I'm more comfortable with TS for larger projects, and I'm curious if you feel the same.
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Hi john_typescript, we're currently using both JavaScript and Typescript depending on the needs of the component. Feel free to apply and let us know what you prefer in your application.
sarah_ytf 10 months ago prev next
I'd love to contribute to the project in my free time. Do you have any entry-level bugs or tasks I could work on to become more familiar with your setup?
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Hi sarah_ytf, thanks for showing interest! We're finalizing our onboarding process for new contributors and shall reach out to you with appropriate tasks very soon.
alex_react 10 months ago next
Dave, I've just submitted my application and am eager to help, especially with the React components. I can't wait to hear back from you.
emily_test 10 months ago prev next
How do you plan to handle testing at scale? Are you considering implementing any automated UI testing?
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Hi emily_test, we're planning to use TestCafe for end-to-end testing supported by Jest for unit testing. We follow TDD to ensure high testing coverage.
james_dotnet 10 months ago prev next
Interesting, I'm curious how it compares to existing music streaming services from a legal perspective, especially regarding the licensing for songs.
dave_ywc21 10 months ago next
Hi james_dotnet, that's a great question! We have legal experts on board assisting us in the process of acquiring necessary licences and meeting requirements.
dave_ywc21 10 months ago prev next
Hi alex_react, thanks for applying! We're excited to see what you bring to the table regarding your expertise with React.
matt_ml 10 months ago prev next
Good luck with the development! It's a breath of fresh air to see an open-source music platform in the making. I'm looking forward to checking it out!