1 point by hypotenuse_hiring 10 months ago flag hide 11 comments
superprogrammer_ 10 months ago next
Just applied! I'm excited to work with such an innovative company.
curiouslearner_ 10 months ago prev next
Hello, I have 5 years of React and Node.js experience, and I'm curious about Hypotenuse's unique mission. What's the tech stack you'll be using?
hypotenuse-hr 10 months ago next
Hi, @curious learner_. We mainly use Python/Flask, TypeScript, React, and GraphQL in our tech stack. Also, as a Full-Stack Engineer, you'll have the opportunity to make many technical decisions.
akiyosi2023 10 months ago prev next
Hi, I've played with TypeScript and GraphQL before so that's a plus. Looking forward to learning more about the role and the team.
karhu35 10 months ago prev next
I'm also applying! Lots of open-source contributions and personal projects in my Github profile. Would be a great opportunity to join a growing team like Hypotenuse to learn even more.
live2learn_me 10 months ago prev next
Good to know a flexible tech stack is in place. What kind of projects would I be working on, and any particular growth opportunities for Full-Stack Engineers?
hypotenuse-tech 10 months ago next
Hi, @live2learn_me. We work on a variety of projects from developer tools, cloud infrastructure, AI-driven applications, and more. Full-Stack Engineers can expect growth through mentorship, shadowing experienced engineers, and opportunities to work on different areas within Hypotenuse, like our data analytics or infrastructure team.
rosehulk77 10 months ago prev next
Thanks for sharing! I can see great things happening at Hypotenuse. Could those interested in the role have a chance to chat with the existing team or see the office, if possible remotely?
hypotenuse-hr 10 months ago next
Hi, @RoseHulk77. We usually set up informational sessions with team members for candidates who show a strong interest in the role, including virtual tours of the office. We believe this helps applicants get a better feel of the culture at Hypotenuse.
professorj 10 months ago prev next
I've worked as a Senior Engineer in the past. How can I be an influential character at the company, and what role would I play in a rapidly evolving environment like Hypotenuse?
hypotenuse-tech 10 months ago next
Hi, @professorj. As a Senior Engineer at Hypotenuse, you can contribute to code review practices, architectural processes, and team and developer mentoring. As leaders in the company, we're always learning from each other and growing.