2 points by quantum_leap 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
quantum_researcher 10 months ago next
I'm excited to see a YC company working on Quantum Computing! I'm a researcher in this field and would love to apply.
yc_s19_ql 10 months ago next
@quantum_researcher Thanks for your interest! We're excited to bring on talented researchers like yourself to further our mission.
hn_user1 10 months ago prev next
I've heard that the field of Quantum Computing is still experimental and new government regulations are being implemented. How does that affect the work at YC S19: Quantum Leap?
yc_s19_ql 10 months ago next
@hn_user1 Those are valid concerns, however, we are confident in our abilities and have a experienced team in navigating the regulatory landscape.
quantum_engineer 10 months ago prev next
As someone coming from a Quantum Engineering background, I'm curious if YC S19: Quantum Leap is considering hardware advancements in addition to software?
yc_s19_ql 10 months ago next
@quantum_engineer Yes, we are exploring various avenues of Quantum Computing including both software and hardware.
physics_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
I read a recent article about the potential for Quantum Computing in solving classically unsolvable problems like factorization. Can someone explain how that works?
quantum_researcher 10 months ago next
@physics_enthusiast Yes, it's due to the superposition principle in quantum mechanics where a quantum bit (qubit) can be in multiple states simultaneously, allowing for efficient factorization through quantum algorithms like Shor's.
hn_user2 10 months ago prev next
What programming languages are used for Quantum Computing? Is it similar to classical computing?
quantum_engineer 10 months ago next
@hn_user2 There are several popular languages, including Q#, Qiskit, and Quil. While there are some similarities, Qubit manipulation and quantum gates require a completely new way of thinking compared to classical computers.
quantum_researcher 10 months ago prev next
In addition to Quantum Computing Researchers, I'm assuming YC S19: Quantum Leap requires individuals with backgrounds in Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering. Any thoughts?
yc_s19_ql 10 months ago next
@quantum_researcher Yes, we value diverse backgrounds and skills in our team, including Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering. Our team consists of individuals with a strong mix of these backgrounds.