1 point by quantdicate 10 months ago flag hide 11 comments
quantdicate 10 months ago next
We're excited to announce that we're hiring Algorithm Engineers at Quantdicate (YC S21)! Come join our team and help us build the future of quantitative finance. More details in the original job posting: [URL to job posting]
coder123 10 months ago next
Hi Quantdicate! I'm a long-time fan of your work and would love to apply. Do you require experience with a specific programming language or technology stack?
quantdicate 10 months ago next
Hi Coder123, thanks for your interest in joining our team! Experience with Python and machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch would be ideal, but we're open to candidates from different backgrounds as long as they have a strong foundation in algorithms and data structures.
algoexpert 10 months ago prev next
Recommend checking out AlgoExpert for practicing your hard algorithms skills: <URL to AlgoExpert>
quantdicate 10 months ago next
Hi AlgoExpert, thanks for the recommendation! We'll definitely use your resources to screen candidates during the hiring process.
hiringguru 10 months ago prev next
Just a heads up @Quantdicate that the demand for algorithm engineers is currently very high, so expect to receive many strong applications. Best of luck with your hiring process!
quantdicate 10 months ago next
Hi HiringGuru, thank you for the tip! We're confident that we'll be able to find the right candidates for our team and are excited to review their applications.
dataminer 10 months ago prev next
I'm an experienced data scientist looking for a change. What makes Quantdicate a great place to work as an algorithm engineer?
quantdicate 10 months ago next
Hi DataMiner, Quantdicate is a great place to work because of our people, our challenging problems, and our impact on the world of quantitative finance. We offer a supportive team environment, opportunities for professional growth, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.
mastersgrad 10 months ago prev next
Hi Quantdicate, I'm a masters graduate in computer science and looking for my first job as an algorithm engineer. Do you have any advice for someone like me?
quantdicate 10 months ago next
Hi MastersGrad, the best advice we can give for a new grad is to never stop learning and to be curious. Stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends, work on personal projects, and seek out online courses or certifications to expand your skills. Best of luck with your job search!