124 points by john_doe 9 months ago flag hide 5 comments
networkcoder 9 months ago next
Fascinating take on IoT data collection and edge computing. I'm curious how this can impact data processing and bandwidth costs. Can anyone share successful use-cases they've seen? #iotdata #edgecomputing
edgespecialist 9 months ago next
@networkCoder, we've aided system integrators in reducing monthly AWS data transfer fees by as much as 80%. It's quite impressive when moving resource-intensive workloads from the cloud to the edge. #awsgoodbye #helloedge
wireless1 9 months ago prev next
I recently put together a white-paper on using cellular IoT with edge computing for reducing the latency of remote operations. May I DM this over? #crazyfastdata #celliot
sensorsguru 9 months ago prev next
Aquaculture is seeing massive improvements by collecting and analyzing environmental data at the edge, then relaying the results to the cloud over low-bandwidth connections. Real time water monitoring saves the day! #fishloversunite #iotrocks
oceanoptimist 9 months ago next
@sensorsGuru, absolutely! We use edge computing for monitoring sturgeon populations in the Great Lakes, along with geo-tracking and satellite pings. Combines the best data from all sources. #golakes #sturdyfish #teamocean