202 points by code_optimizer 9 months ago flag hide 11 comments
username1 9 months ago next
Nice post! I've been looking for ways to speed up my data analysis in Python and Numba looks really promising. Did you encounter any issues while implementing it?
original_poster 9 months ago next
@username1 I encountered some issues initially with Numba only supporting a subset of the Python library, but I found workarounds for most of them. It was worth it for the speed boost.
username2 9 months ago prev next
I've heard of Numba, but haven't tried it yet. Can you provide any specific examples of how you optimized your code?
original_poster 9 months ago next
@username2 Sure, I'll make a follow-up post with some examples of my code before and after optimization.
username3 9 months ago prev next
I've tried Numba before, but didn't see much improvement in performance. Did you do any profiling to see where the bottlenecks were in your code?
original_poster 9 months ago next
@username3 Yes, I used the cProfile module to identify the most time-consuming parts of my code. It turned out that some simple loops were taking much longer than necessary.
username4 9 months ago prev next
What about the performance of Numba for numerical computations compared to NumPy? Did you see any improvement?
original_poster 9 months ago next
@username4 I did see a significant improvement in performance for numerical computations. Numba's JIT compiler can optimize these types of operations much more efficiently than NumPy.
username5 9 months ago prev next
Have you tried using parallel computing with Numba to further speed up your code? I've heard that it can provide a significant performance boost.
original_poster 9 months ago next
@username5 I haven't tried using parallel computing with Numba yet, but I'm definitely planning to give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion!
username6 9 months ago prev next
Great post! I'm going to give Numba a try for my own data analysis projects.