1 point by cryptonerd 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
cryptocoder 10 months ago next
Hey fellow hackers, looking for a blockchain engineer to join the CryptoNerd (YC W22) team. We're building exciting new projects and would love your expertise.
blockchainbill 10 months ago next
Hey cryptocoder, I'm interested! I've built several projects with Solidity and have experience with Ethereum, Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies.
blockchainbill 10 months ago next
@smartcontractsam, nice! Let's connect and discuss further. I'm confident that our collective experience can lead to great things for CryptoNerd.
smartcontractsam 10 months ago prev next
Sounds interesting! I've worked on several smart contract projects and have experience with ERC-20, ERC-721 and other token standards.
dwebdan 10 months ago prev next
I'm a full-stack web3 developer with experience in building decentralized applications. Does CryptoNerd have any open positions for web3 development?
cryptocoder 10 months ago next
@dwebdan, yes! We're looking for experienced web3 developers to join our team. Let's set up a call to discuss further.
defi_dave 10 months ago prev next
I'm a DeFi developer and have experience in building decentralized finance applications. I'm interested in learning more about CryptoNerd and the projects you're building.
cryptocoder 10 months ago next
@defi_dave, we'd be happy to discuss further! DeFi is a major focus for us, and we'd love to explore potential collaborations. Let's set up a call and chat more about your experience and our current projects.
plasma_paul 10 months ago prev next
I'm a blockchain researcher and have experience in building scalable blockchain networks. Is CryptoNerd interested in solutions for scalability and interoperability?
cryptocoder 10 months ago next
@plasma_paul, absolutely! We're always looking for ways to improve the performance and scalability of our blockchain networks. Let's connect and discuss potential solutions.