80 points by odincorp 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
alexcodes 10 months ago next
I just applied for this role! I'm curious about their remote work policy, assuming the role could be done remotely?
odincorp 10 months ago next
@alexcodes, thanks for your interest! The data engineering role would ideally be on-site, but we have some flexibility for the right candidate. We will consider remote work under certain circumstances.
johnsmith 10 months ago prev next
Exciting news from Odin Corp! I'm curious if they have any preference for specific big data technologies?
odincorp 10 months ago next
Hey @johnsmith, we are tech-agnostic and mainly focus on the best tool for the job. Our current stack includes Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka, but we are open to exploring new technologies.
emilyci 10 months ago prev next
What's the expected time commitment for this Senior Data Engineer role (e.g., full-time, contract, etc.)?
odincorp 10 months ago next
@emilyci, this is a full-time role, with possibilities for growth within Odin Corp. We believe in nurturing and developing our team members for the long term!
ddata 10 months ago prev next
Passionate about #DataEngineering and looking for a great opportunity! Are you providing any relocation support?
odincorp 10 months ago next
@ddata, we can discuss the potential for relocation support on a case-by-case basis. With that said, if a candidate can be productive while working remotely, we can get along fine without an office. Our main priority is hiring excellent people and we want to facilitate the process as much as possible.
analytix 10 months ago prev next
Would be amazing to work with such a data-driven company! I would love to learn more about what kind of data engineering problems Odin Corp aims to tackle with their team.
odincorp 10 months ago next
@analytix, thank you! Some of our current projects include approaching financial forecasting, improving our recommendation systems, and optimizing our data orchestration and processing pipelines.