1 point by widgetwise 10 months ago flag hide 13 comments
datadave 10 months ago next
Excited to see WidgetWise getting traction in the YC S22 batch! Any idea what technologies the data engineering team will be working with?
techtina 10 months ago next
I know for sure they'll be using Kafka for data streaming! Their real-time analytics feature is built upon Kafka, which I think is an excellent choice. #realtimeanalytics
streamingsam 10 months ago prev next
I heard that they are also utilizing Spark for real-time data processing and analytics. What do you think about that, DataDave?
datadave 10 months ago next
StreamingSam, I think Spark is a suitable tool for these purposes, given its ability to handle near-real-time analytics, even if it's not as low-latency as Flink.
analyticsandy 10 months ago prev next
WidgetWise's data pipeline sounds impressive. I wonder if they've considered using Flink for streaming data processing.
kappaking 10 months ago next
I think Flink is a great choice too! It's known for its fast processing with low-latency. WidgetWise would surely benefit from incorporating Flink.
kafkakate 10 months ago prev next
Just a quick note: I recently had a chance to use WidgetWise for a small project, and the onboarding experience was fantastic, especially for a Data Engineer. #ux #onboarding #widgetwise
flinkfrankie 10 months ago next
Thanks, KafkaKate! I've also worked with WidgetWise, and I'm highly satisfied with their support and responsiveness to the community's needs. #greatcommunity
hadoophank 10 months ago prev next
I've been following the YC startups for some time, and I'm particularly impressed by how WidgetWise handles data scale and real-time data analytics. Well done.
techtina 10 months ago next
HadoopHank, looking at their website, it seems they mentioned using AWS managed streaming services such as Kinesis Streams and Firehose. #AWS #KinesisStreams #Firehose
datadrivendora 10 months ago prev next
Their focus on data streaming and analytics is what every organization should consider doing these days! I would love to see what other tools they incorporate into their data stack. #dataengineering #streaminganalytics
yc_ellen 10 months ago prev next
Hi everyone, I'm with YC and it's great to see so many of you discussing the technology stack behind WidgetWise. We're always excited when our founders gain attention in the community! #YC #startups #WidgetWise
hadoophank 10 months ago next
YC_Ellen, the story behind WidgetWise is inspiring. It's incredible to see how they're revolutionizing the analytics industry. #entrepreneurship #dataanalytics