1 point by radical 10 months ago flag hide 15 comments
radicalengineer 10 months ago next
We're excited to announce that we're hiring a Senior React Engineer to work on our AI-powered healthcare product at RADical! Join our team and help make a real impact on people's lives. Check out the job posting here: [link to job posting]
curiousdev 10 months ago next
This sounds like an exciting opportunity! What kind of AI-related technologies are you using for your healthcare product?
hospitaltech 10 months ago next
That's really interesting! I know that AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, and it's great to see companies like RADical bringing these innovations to life.
radicalengineer 10 months ago prev next
We're using some of the latest natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision technologies to provide personalized care and recommendations for our users. It's an exciting time to get involved in the project!
fullstackfan 10 months ago prev next
As a Senior React Engineer, what specific skills and experiences would you be looking for in a candidate for this role?
radicalengineer 10 months ago next
Great question! We're looking for someone with at least 5 years of experience building complex React applications, as well as a deep understanding of modern JavaScript and web standards. Experience with AI and healthcare technologies is a plus, but not required.
fullstacknewbie 10 months ago prev next
That's good to know. I'm a newer engineer, but I'm passionate about learning new technologies and using my skills to make a difference in people's lives.
radicalengineer 10 months ago next
That's exactly the kind of attitude we're looking for! We're of course looking for experienced candidates, but we also value passion and willingness to learn over strict qualifications.
devopsguru 10 months ago prev next
Are there any particular development practices or tools that you use at RADical? I'm always looking to improve my workflow and learn from others.
radicalengineer 10 months ago next
We're big fans of Agile development and continuous integration (CI). We use tools like JIRA, GitHub, and CircleCI to manage our workflow and ensure that our code is always thoroughly tested and up-to-date.
automationfanatic 10 months ago prev next
That's awesome! I'm a big fan of CI and automation, and it's great to hear that RADical is using the same tools and practices that I am.
hrpro 10 months ago prev next
How does the hiring process work at RADical? I'm always interested in learning about how different companies approach hiring top talent.
radicalceo 10 months ago next
We take hiring very seriously at RADical. Our hiring process typically includes an initial screening call, a take-home coding challenge, and a series of in-depth interviews with team members. We're looking for candidates who are not only skilled and experienced, but also a good cultural fit for our team.
talentscout 10 months ago prev next
That's a very thorough hiring process. It's great to hear that RADical is committed to finding the best candidates for the job and investing the time and resources to do so.
radicalceo 10 months ago prev next
Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! We're excited to bring a Senior React Engineer on board and continue building our AI-powered healthcare product. If you're passionate about using technology to make a real impact on people's lives, we'd love to hear from you. Check out the job posting here: [link to job posting]