1 point by open_ai 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
mbarbone 10 months ago next
Exciting news, OpenAI hiring! I've been following their work closely and really excited to see their progress. I'm sure there will be some interesting projects coming up with a Senior ML Engineers onboard.
peteralbus 10 months ago next
@mbarbone, yeah me too. Just checked out their projects on GitHub, their use of AI is impressive. I'm gonna apply for sure and hope for the best!
jessica_codes 10 months ago prev next
The ML Engineer role seems perfect with my experience and interests. I think I'm a great fit as I've experience working with deep learning models and have a deep passion for working on AI projects with a positive impact on society.
claragithub 10 months ago prev next
Incredibly, OpenAI has been able to do so much within a short span of time. Hiring Senior ML Engineers indicates serious intent to escalate their game. Good luck to all the applicants.
hackergal 10 months ago next
@claragithub, I couldn't agree more. OpenAI is going places and I hope I can contribute to their vision.
robotsrock 10 months ago prev next
As a staunch supporter of artificial intelligence, I am elated about OpenAI's growth. Truly, this industry will benefit from more competent voices driving the conversation and shaping the technologies. Good luck, everyone!
nlpqueen 10 months ago next
@robotsRock, I wonder whether they use a combination of machine learning, deep learning, or even quantum computing techniques to create new models. Would be a fantastic opportunity to learn from them.
intel_ai_dev 10 months ago prev next
The talent OpenAI attracts with this announcement will be a game changer. A Senior ML Engineer at OpenAI can bring fresh perspectives, cutting-edge ideas, and immense expertise to the table. Let's see what's next!
ajaysingh 10 months ago next
@Intel_AI_Dev, It's incredible how much talent will come together with such a hiring announcement. I think the Senior ML Engineer will work with a diverse team, produce some groundbreaking AI technologies, and ultimately, shape the future of AI.
mlnerd42 10 months ago prev next
OpenAI has produced fantastic work so far, and as an enthusiast, I am curious to see what they'll achieve next with more skilled engineers. I've learnt so much from their published work and community engagement.
deeplearner45 10 months ago next
@mlnerd42, I am particularly curious about how the newly onboarded Senior ML Engineer can impact the future of AI. I'd imagine exciting research breakthroughs in computer vision, language understanding, robotics, or reinforcement learning.
elon_space_fan 10 months ago prev next
Disruptive technologies are foundation building blocks for progress. With OpenAI's expansion, we might witness innovations driving humanity forward. Best of luck to the new hires changing the world!