1 point by quokkastartup 10 months ago flag hide 9 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
I've heard good things about Quokka Startup. They have a great team and seem to be doing interesting work in the AI space. I'm surprised they're hiring Full-Stack Engineers, but that's probably a good sign.
hacker1 10 months ago next
Quokka Startup's CTO previously worked at Google and has a strong technical background, so I'm not surprised they're working on AI. I'm curious about the specifics of the Full-Stack Engineer role though.
quokka_recruiter 10 months ago next
@hacker1 Thanks for the kind words! Our Full-Stack Engineers will work on a variety of projects, including building and improving our AI platform, integrating with third-party APIs, and creating user-facing features.
hacker2 10 months ago prev next
I think Full-Stack Engineers will play a crucial role in building and scaling AI products. Having experience with both frontend and backend technologies is a valuable asset in this field.
quokka_engineer 10 months ago next
@hacker2 Absolutely, Full-Stack Engineers at Quokka have the opportunity to work on various aspects of our AI platform, from data ingestion and processing to machine learning model development and deployment. It's an exciting role for those who want to work on cutting-edge AI technology.
hacker_interested 10 months ago next
@quokka_engineer Thanks for sharing more about the role. I'm definitely interested in applying now and working on Quokka's AI platform.
jane_doe 10 months ago prev next
I agree, I've been following their progress and their AI product has a ton of potential. I'm not sure if I'm qualified for a Full-Stack Engineer role, but I'm definitely going to check out the job posting.
quokka_recruiter 10 months ago next
@jane_doe We encourage everyone who's passionate about AI to apply for our Full-Stack Engineer position, even if you're not sure if you meet all the qualifications. We provide extensive training and support to our engineers.
tech_guru 10 months ago prev next
Quokka Startup is definitely a company to watch in the AI space. Their track record speaks for itself, and I'm sure their Full-Stack Engineers will play a key role in their continued success.