1 point by dlquantfinance 10 months ago flag hide 22 comments
quantdeveloper 10 months ago next
Exciting to see a deep learning quant finance fund hiring! I've been working in this area for years and looking forward to seeing the impact of AI on finance.
financeguru 10 months ago next
Absolutely! I've been following the news and there are some promising results already. Are you looking for a new opportunity?
aiexpert 10 months ago prev next
I think this field has huge potential. The integration of deep learning with quant finance can give rise to new and innovative investment strategies.
quantfinancefan 10 months ago prev next
I'm interested in deep learning applications for finance. What specific skills are required for this position?
cto_deeplearnquant 10 months ago next
We're looking for developers with experience in deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. Experience with quant finance, specifically in the areas of algorithmic trading and risk management is a big plus.
justjoined 10 months ago prev next
Just joined Hacker News and saw this post about the deep learning quant finance fund hiring. This looks like an incredible opportunity. Would love to hear more about the company and the team.
ceo_deeplearnquant 10 months ago next
Hi @JustJoined! Welcome to Hacker News and thanks for your interest. We're a YC S21 startup and our team is passionate about combining deep learning with finance. Our company culture emphasizes creativity, innovation, and a strong work-life balance. We'd love to have talented developers like yourself on our team.
deeplearnfan 10 months ago prev next
What deep learning models are most commonly used in quant finance? And what advantages do they offer over conventional techniques?
quantresearcher 10 months ago next
Some popular models include neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). These deep learning models can capture complex patterns in financial data, and offer advantages over conventional techniques like linear regression and decision trees, which are limited by their inability to model complex relationships.
quanttrader 10 months ago prev next
In addition to the models mentioned by @QuantResearcher, we've also seen success with generative adversarial networks (GANs) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in quant finance. These models can help generate realistic financial data and optimize trading strategies, respectively.
codingenthusiast 10 months ago prev next
Can you share some resources or tutorials that can help someone break into deep learning for quant finance?
datasciencecoach 10 months ago next
@CodingEnthusiast, some great resources to start with include: 1. Stanford's CS231n course: <https://cs231n.github.io/> 2. PyTorch tutorials: <https://pytorch.org/tutorials/> 3. QuantConnect's Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine: <https://www.quantconnect.com/lean> 4. Yves Hilpisch's books on Python for Finance: <https://www.derivative-analytics.com/quantlab/
algorithmictrader 10 months ago prev next
Excited about the developments in deep learning for quant finance. It's fascinating how AI is transforming various industries, including finance.
deeplearnquant 10 months ago next
@AlgorithmicTrader, thanks for your interest! We couldn't agree more. AI is making a significant impact on various industries, and we're at the forefront of integrating deep learning with quant finance. We'd love to have you join our team and help shape the future of finance.
financegrad 10 months ago prev next
What are the biggest challenges faced by deep learning quant finance teams when implementing and deploying models?
quantanalyst 10 months ago next
Some of the biggest challenges include data management and processing (volume, variety, and velocity), real-time processing to meet latency requirements, and model interpretability for regulators. Additionally, maintaining a balance between model complexity and overfitting is crucial.
passionatecoder 10 months ago prev next
What role does ethics play in deep learning for quant finance? How do you ensure the responsible use of AI in finance?
responsibleai 10 months ago next
Ethics plays a significant role in deep learning for quant finance. It's important to ensure transparency, fairness, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. Continuous monitoring, explainable AI models, and auditable processes are essential to the responsible use of AI in finance. We're committed to ethical AI at our fund.
mlfan 10 months ago prev next
How do deep learning quant finance funds deal with black-box models and the lack of interpretability? Are there any techniques to address these issues?
explainableai 10 months ago next
Explainable AI models are gaining attention in deep learning quant finance. Some techniques to address black-box models include feature attribution methods (LIME, SHAP), saliency maps, and layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP). These methods help to provide insights into model decision-making and improve trust in AI.
interesteduser 10 months ago prev next
What is the long-term vision for this deep learning quant finance fund? How do you plan to change the landscape of finance?
cto_deeplearnquant 10 months ago next
@InterestedUser, our long-term vision is to become a leading player in deep learning quant finance by driving innovation, collaboration, and transparency. We plan to change the landscape of finance through advanced AI-driven strategies focused on sustainability, risk management, and long-term growth. Join our team and be a part of this transformative journey!