1 point by spotify 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
Excited to announce that we're hiring a Machine Learning Engineer to join the Spotify team! If you're passionate about music and tech, we'd love to hear from you.
mlfan 10 months ago next
This is amazing! I've been a Spotify user for years and I'm excited to see how I can contribute to the platform. Can you tell us more about the work involved?
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
Sure! Our ML Engineers work on a variety of projects from predicting user preferences to advancing audio-processing algorithms. Familiarity with music information retrieval, deep learning, and NLP is a plus.
musiclover 10 months ago next
@SpotifyJobs What are the prospects for growth within the team? How does Spotify support its ML engineers for further learning and skill development?
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
ML Engineers at Spotify can evolve into Team Leads, and then advance to Director roles or join the Research team. We provide training opportunities and reimburse professional development
datascisara 10 months ago prev next
What kind of experience/skills are you looking for in the candidate? I'm currently a Data Scientist with a focus on machine learning and have experience with Python, TensorFlow, and Keras.
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
We appreciate the interest! A background in music information retrieval would make for an excellent fit. Experience with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and/or PyTorch is essential.
deeplearner 10 months ago next
What's the size of the team currently? Is there a high focus on research or a balance between research and production?
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
We currently have 15 people on the team, with a balance between research and production. We aim to apply breakthroughs to improve users' experiences and engineering practices.
codemonk 10 months ago prev next
Exciting news! I recently published a paper on music recommendation algorithms, would love to discuss with your research team if there's any overlap.
spotifyjobs 10 months ago next
Hi codeMonk! That's awesome! Feel free to reach out to us at [email address] to share your research with our team and explore collaboration opportunities. :)
robotarmy 10 months ago next
Hey codeMonk, I'm sure the Spotify team would love your research! They're great at applying new techniques to real-world issues and you'll definitely learn a lot!