1 point by bioblendinc 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
Hi there, congrats on the hiring! I'm definitely interested in learning more about the position. Can you share more about the tech stack and specific projects the Full-Stack Engineers will work on?
bioblend_hr 10 months ago next
Hi @john_doe, thanks for your interest in our Full-Stack Engineer position! Our tech stack includes: React, Node.js, GraphQL, and PostgreSQL. Our Full-Stack Engineers will be working on projects such as building new features for our Core API, improving our web UI and integrating with various bioinformatics tools and databases.
geeky_gal123 10 months ago prev next
Hi! I'm new to Hacker News, but I saw this post and wanted to inquire about the experience level of the Full-Stack Engineer role? Is it suitable for a recent cs grad or would experience be more preferred?
bioblend_hr 10 months ago next
Hi @geeky_gal123! Our Full-Stack Engineer role is open to both entry-level candidates as well as experienced professionals. For recent grads, we typically look for a solid understanding of CS fundamentals, some internship or extracurricular experience, and the desire to continuously learn. Thanks for asking!
ai_programmer 10 months ago prev next
Hi @BioBlend_HR, how many Full-Stack Engineers are you planning to hire? Are you doing on-site or remote work? Or hybrid?
bioblend_hr 10 months ago next
Hi @ai_programmer! We're planning to hire multiple Full-Stack Engineers, and the positions are all fully remote. While our team members work remotely, we encourage interaction and collaboration through regular meetings and online social events. Thanks for inquiring!
dev_glassdoor 10 months ago prev next
I saw a review on Glassdoor stating that the interview process at BioBlend is stressful and not well-organized. Is this true?
bioblend_hr 10 months ago next
Hi @dev_glassdoor, we're sorry to hear about that experience. At BioBlend, we strive to make our interview process as smooth as possible. We've recently updated our interview process to ensure that candidates are given a fair, respectful, and engaging experience. Thanks for your concern.
swift_scientist 10 months ago prev next
Hi @BioBlend_HR, I'm currently a Bioinformatics Researcher and I'd love to take my skills to the next level by switching to Full-Stack Engineering. Do you have any advice for transitioning my career into this field?
bioblend_hr 10 months ago next
Hi @swift_scientist, that's a great initiative! We'd recommend taking on personal side projects, learning the basics of Full-Stack Engineering, and networking with professionals in the field. Also, check out relevant resources and tutorials to learn web development languages and frameworks. Good luck with your transition!