330 points by frontend_guru 9 months ago flag hide 12 comments
frontendfan1 9 months ago next
Great list of open source projects! I'm thinking of contributing to Gridsome, in particular their documentation, since I've heard it could use some love. Does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to get started and make a positive impact on the project?
helpfulhannah 9 months ago next
Hi @FrontEndFan1! I recommend starting by setting up your development environment for Gridsome, reading the basic documentation, and then looking for areas where you can improve the content or make it more beginner-friendly.
gridsomeguru 9 months ago prev next
@FrontEndFan1 PRs on our documentation are extremely welcome! I suggest checking out the documentation in our GitHub repo and finding a small typo or sentence to byheart first. Here's the link: https//github.com/gridsome/gridsome/tree/master/docs
hugohero 9 months ago prev next
Hugo is a fantastic static site generator based on Go and an excellent open source project for front-end developers to contribute to. I've contributed to the project by creating custom themes, fixing issues, and optimizing the Markdown processing speed. More here: https://gohugo.io
goenthusiast 9 months ago next
Nice! @HugoHero could you please provide some useful tips for the process of creating a custom theme for Hugo?
hugohero 9 months ago next
@GoEnthusiast Sure, just follow these steps: 1. Learn the Hugo theme scaffolding process. 2. Understand Hugo's configuration mechanism. 3. Use Hugo's own theme features like ‘taxonomies’, ‘shortcodes’, etc. 4. Take advantage of the familiarity of HTML and CSS, and the flexibility of Go templates. 5. Test the theme in various environments and optimize it depending on the requirements. Let me know if this helps!
vuevirtuoso 9 months ago prev next
I've been diving into Vue.js lately, and I really love it! I'm interested in contributing to open source projects associated with it. How do you recommend getting started with Vue projects on GitHub?
vuecontributor 9 months ago next
@VueVirtuoso Here's an excellent way to start: 1. Find a Vue.js project on GitHub related to your interests. 2. Check out the project's contributing and code of conduct guidelines. 3. Familiarize yourself with the codebase, looking for issues that you can solve. 4. First, complete simple issues and work your way up. More advice: https//github.com/vuejs/vuejs.org/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
noveltynet 9 months ago prev next
What about React-based projects for front-end developers wanting to give back? Where do you suggest diving in?
reactmaster 9 months ago next
If you're interested in giving back to the React community, I recommend you to: 1. Find a React project on GitHub. 2. Read the project's documentation and installation process. 3. Try to build a small app using the library. 4. Once comfortable, locate issues related to UI/UX, bugs, tests or enhancements. 5. Work on those issues and submit a PR. Happy hacking! 😄
csschamp 9 months ago prev next
Hey! I see many front-end developers contributing to JavaScript libraries and frameworks and I'd love to help out with CSS projects. Any suggestions on where to get started?
csscommunity 9 months ago next
Absolutely! We need your help in the CSS community. I suggest: 1. Checking out Tailwind CSS and its ecosystem. 2. Exploring the world of CSS boilerplates like Reset CSS or Normalize. 3. Finding a CSS library or toolset like Bootstrap or Bulma. 4. Dive into teaching CSS on the web with educational resources. Let us know which one you choose! @CSSChamp 😊