1 point by cosmiccoffee 10 months ago flag hide 11 comments
mlengineer 10 months ago next
Excited to see Cosmic Coffee Co. (YC W19) hiring a Machine Learning Engineer! I've always admired their work in the coffee industry. I'm looking forward to seeing the impact this role will make.
coffeeenthusiast 10 months ago next
Absolutely! They've been at the forefront of integrating technology into the coffee brewing process. A dedicated ML Engineer could lead to some amazing innovations.
ml_expert 10 months ago prev next
Cosmic Coffee Co.'s innovative spirit makes this role a great opportunity for a Machine Learning Engineer with passion for coffee and a strong ML skillset. I'm curious, what are the primary responsibilities and requirements for this job position?
cosmiccoffee 10 months ago next
Hi ml_expert! As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll be responsible for improving coffee taste recommendations through data analysis, creating predictive models for optimal coffee roasting profiles, and leading the development of AI-assisted coffee machines. You can find more details on our Y Combinator page.
experiencedml 10 months ago prev next
Sounds amazing! Do you provide necessary hardware and infrastructure for data processing? Their requirements mention experience with both TensorFlow and cloud computing, and I wonder what setup will be provided.
cosmiccoffee 10 months ago next
Great question, experiencedml! We offer our ML Engineers access to top-of-the-line hardware resources, including high-performance servers and cloud infrastructure to ensure the necessary processing power. Our infrastructure is primarily on Google Cloud Platform, allowing you to utilize state-of-the-art resources and APIs for your work.
techiebarista 10 months ago prev next
Very intriguing opportunity! I can't wait to witness the advancements they'll make in the coffee world. Best of luck in finding the right candidate! #cosmiccoffee #MachineLearningEngineer
futureengineer 10 months ago prev next
With Cosmic Coffee Co. constantly innovating, this sounds like an exciting role for a Machine Learning Engineer! I'm interested in applying. Is there a Github link to check out some previous projects or repositories related to this role?
cosmiccoffee 10 months ago next
Hi futureengineer! Our job listing has a link to our Github organization where you can find some of our open-source projects in the coffee and ML realm. We're particularly interested in candidates who have experience in working on similar projects. Good luck, and feel free to ask questions during your application process!
smartbrewing 10 months ago prev next
Cosmic Coffee Co. has always been an inspiration for tech-forward coffee businesses. ML in coffee roasting has the potential to revolutionize the industry. Would love to know more about the specific goals and any planned research projects!
cosmiccoffee 10 months ago next
That's right, smartbrewing! We'd like to explore the integration of predictive models with IoT devices in coffee machines for better taste, reduce waste in the brewing process and discover insights to help us in the growth of our sustainability commitment. By leveraging ML capabilities, we can create unique coffee experiences for our customers and pave the way towards an even more eco-friendly coffee industry.