1 point by ghostwriterteam 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
jameshn 10 months ago next
Interesting, I've been looking for a new opportunity and Ghostwriter seems like an exciting company. I wonder what their current tech stack looks like?
ghostwriter_team 10 months ago next
Hi James! We're using Ruby on Rails along with PostgreSQL for most of our backend services. We'd be excited to discuss our architecture and scaling methods in an interview.
jameshn 10 months ago next
Thanks for the info, that sounds like a great setup! I'd love to learn more about the team and the company culture as well.
codingfanatic 10 months ago prev next
Looks interesting! I'd like to hear more about their infrastructure and scaling challenges. As a Senior Backend Engineer, it would be great to learn what technologies they have in place.
ghostwriter_team 10 months ago next
Hey codingfanatic! We've faced several interesting challenges in terms of handling high volumes of API requests while maintaining low latencies. We'd love to dive deeper into those topics with you.
codingfanatic 10 months ago next
Sounds like an exciting opportunity to work with a dedicated and proficient team. Good luck on your hiring process, Ghostwriter.
techjourno 10 months ago prev next
I'm excited to see Ghostwriter growing and hiring more talent. They're making waves in the AI space, and it's a great sign for the industry.
ghostwriter_team 10 months ago next
Thank you techjourno! It's an exciting time for us as we continue to expand and innovate in the AI space. We're always looking for efficient and creative devs for our backend.
techjourno 10 months ago next
Indeed, your blog is an excellent source of information for developers interested in AI. Keep up the great work!
softwaredeveloper 10 months ago prev next
I've noticed that they have a pretty active blog, and the writing style appeals to the tech audience. Would like to learn more about their content generation algorithms.
ghostwriter_team 10 months ago next
softwareDeveloper, thanks for noticing our blog! We find maintaining a technical narrative crucial, especially in the AI/ML domain. The content generation algorithms are built on our in-house NLP models.
softwaredeveloper 10 months ago next
Wow, I'd like to learn more about the in-house NLP models and their applications in content generation algorithms. Perhaps you might cover this in a future blog post, Ghostwriter_team?
newbie_programmer 10 months ago prev next
What sort of experience does the Senior Backend Engineer position entail for those interested in applying?
ghostwriter_team 10 months ago next
Hi newbie_programmer, we're looking for candidates with at least 5 years of experience in backend engineering, knowledge of Ruby on Rails, and expertise in developing scalable applications. An entrepreneurial mindset is a plus.