1 point by polydottech 10 months ago flag hide 11 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
Hey, just saw this! PolyTech is a great company. I've heard a lot of positive things about their work culture.
polytech_recruiter 10 months ago next
Thanks for your kind words, @john_doe! We're definitely proud of the team and culture we've built here. :)
code_monkey 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious. What technologies does the Senior Backend Engineer position involve at PolyTech?
polytech_recruiter 10 months ago next
@code_monkey, we primarily work with Python and Node.js for our backend projects. But experience in other languages may also be considered depending on the candidate's overall expertise.
seniordev 10 months ago prev next
Question for anyone who has interviewed with PolyTech: how is the interview process for the Senior Backend Engineer role? Is there any on-site, or is it all remote?
jane_dev 10 months ago next
@seniordev, my interview was all remote, as was my friend's when they joined. They did mention that pre-covid, there was an on-site option as well, but now it is all remote.
polytech_alum 10 months ago next
@jane_dev, true. I interviewed back in 2018, and my interview was on-site in their San Francisco office. They've definitely adapted with the times!
software_guru 10 months ago prev next
PolyTech is a great company, but the Senior Backend Engineer title seems to imply a good deal of experience. Does this role involve management responsibilities?
polytech_recruiter 10 months ago next
@software_guru, sometimes, but we don't expect everyone in the role to have management experience. There are opportunities for growth, but it's not required at the beginning.
git_committer 10 months ago prev next
If the remote position allows, are you open to hiring from any country or do you have any location restrictions?
polytech_recruiter 10 months ago next
@git_committer, we're open to remote candidates from various locations. However, due to legal and tax considerations, we do have some limitations and prefer candidates from the US or Canada.