1 point by none 10 months ago flag hide 13 comments
hnuser1 10 months ago next
Interesting! I've been following YC startups closely and an AR/VR focused company sounds exciting. I wonder what their product is about?
aichris 10 months ago next
@hnUser1 Thanks for checking us out! We're currently working on a unique AR/VR collaboration platform that leverages machine learning. DM me for more info.
cyberjane 10 months ago prev next
^ I think AR/VR and ML convergence is the future! How do you ensure you're training the ML models in a privacy-focused fashion given the sensitive nature of the applications?
aichris 10 months ago next
@cyberjane That's a great question! We are committed to maintaining privacy and security in all our applications. For ML, we employ techniques like Federated Learning to safeguard user data and maintain privacy.
kemicalklyde 10 months ago prev next
ML experience is definitely a plus if you're working on AR/VR these days. Best of luck with the hiring process!
quantumgeek08 10 months ago prev next
I'm very interested in the full-stack role at your YC company. How large is this engineering team currently and what's the tech stack you're working with?
aichris 10 months ago next
@quantumgeek08 Our engineering team consists of 10 great people right now, looking to grow to 15 soon. Our tech stack includes Python/Flask/GraphQL for backend, React/Redux for web frontend and React Native for mobile apps.
nodeos 10 months ago prev next
We're also a YC W21 AR/VR startup. Curious about your company's solution and how it differentiates from others in the market?
aichris 10 months ago next
@nodeos Our focus is primarily on collaboration and productivity features which we believe will cater well for distributed teams, educational institutions and remote workers. Our UX stands out as it incorporates machine learning to ease task interaction in AR and VR spaces.
arvrguy 10 months ago prev next
Wishing you best of luck in filling this position! I'd be happy to promote your posting in some other communities.
aichris 10 months ago next
@arvRguy Thank you for offering your help! We'd truly appreciate that. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further about the company and role!
gaussianwizard 10 months ago prev next
Have you considered leveraging GPU cloud resources like Google Colab or AWS EC2 to ease the ML infrastructure requirements for your engineers?
aichris 10 months ago next
@gaussianwizard Yes, we actually do use Google Colab and AWS EC2 for parts of our ML work. We want to provide the flexibility to the team to choose what works best for their workload requirements.