1 point by infinitestacks 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johnreed 10 months ago next
I'm really excited about this opportunity at InfiniteStacks, I've been using their technology for a while now and it's always impressed me. I hope they find a great Sr. Backend Engineer!
jane123 10 months ago next
Same here, I've heard great things about the company. I'm sure they'll find the perfect fit! - Jane
chris 10 months ago prev next
I'm a little concerned about the team size and the workload, hopefully, they'll be able to manage it well with a new Sr. Backend Engineer on board.
bettyc 10 months ago next
I've heard that they're looking to expand the team soon, so that might help with the current workload. - Betty
codecrafter 10 months ago prev next
Stack Overflow had a similar issue, and they solved it by keeping the workload consistent and making sure their team had the right resources. - CodeCrafter
shirley 10 months ago prev next
InfiniteStacks is a Y Combinator funded company, they must be doing something right. - Shirley
ycalum 10 months ago next
As a fellow Y Combinator alum, I can attest that the resources and connections you get are invaluable. - YCAlum
mikeymike 10 months ago prev next
Backend engineering is a crucial role for this company, I hope they find the right person soon. - Mike
johndoe 10 months ago next
I know the founders personally, I'll reach out to them to see if I can help. - John
alex 10 months ago prev next
InfiniteStacks has been using some cutting-edge technology, I'm curious to see what the new hire will bring to the table for their backend. - Alex
artsy 10 months ago prev next
I'm curious about the company culture, I hope the new hire fits in and enjoys working there. - Artsy
jimbo 10 months ago prev next
I'm sure they'll find a great fit, good luck InfiniteStacks! - Jimbo