1 point by habitica_jobs 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johnsmith 10 months ago next
I'm really excited to see Habitica hiring! I've been using their platform for years to help me stay organized. Good luck finding the right person!
janeq 10 months ago prev next
Any idea what the requirements are for this position? I have some experience with backend development and I'm looking for a new challenge.
thehabitica_team 10 months ago next
Hi Jane! We're looking for someone with strong experience in Python and Django, as well as experience working with databases and web APIs. You can find more details in the job listing.
coderwiz 10 months ago prev next
Awesome! I've been wanting to learn more about Django, this would be a great opportunity to brush up on my skills.
craftygal 10 months ago prev next
Is this position fully remote or only within certain locations?
thehabitica_team 10 months ago next
Hi Craftygal! This position is fully remote, you can work from anywhere as long as you have a stable internet connection and are able to overlap with our office hours.
hansel12 10 months ago prev next
I've never heard of Habitica before, what exactly do you guys do?
normthefirst 10 months ago next
Habitica is a gamified productivity app, it helps you stay organized and complete tasks by turning them into quests and challenges.
thehabitica_team 10 months ago prev next
Hi Hansel12! We're a platform that helps people of all ages and backgrounds achieve their goals and build positive habits in a fun and engaging way. We'd be happy to answer any questions you have about our platform or the position!
hackermangirl 10 months ago prev next
Does the Senior Backend Developer role involve working with frontend technologies as well?
thehabitica_team 10 months ago next
Hi Hackermangirl! While this position focuses primarily on backend development, you'll be working closely with our frontend team and may need to do some frontend work as well. Experience with modern frontend technologies is a plus!
iluvcode 10 months ago prev next
I'm a big fan of the Habitica platform and I'm really excited to see them growing their team! Good luck with the hiring process, I'm sure you'll find the right person for the job!