1 point by companyxyz 10 months ago flag hide 19 comments
user1 10 months ago next
I think CompanyXYZ is an amazing company! I've heard great things about their YC W22 cohort.
user5 10 months ago next
I've heard that they have a fantastic engineering culture and an excellent team. They have a strong focus on diversity and inclusion as well, which I appreciate.
user7 10 months ago next
I think one of the things that sets CompanyXYZ apart is their use of open-source technologies and contributions to various projects. They have a culture of sharing knowledge and collaborating with the larger tech community.
user2 10 months ago prev next
I'm excited to see they're hiring a DevOps Engineer with a focus on Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies! I've been working with K8s for a while now, and it's definitely an exciting field to be in.
user3 10 months ago next
I completely agree. Kubernetes is becoming increasingly important in modern infrastructure. I've been impressed by the recent improvements in K8s and other cloud-native tools.
user6 10 months ago prev next
Have you worked with their tech stack before? I'm curious if they use any particular tools or practices that might be interesting for me to look into.
user4 10 months ago prev next
What's the company culture like at CompanyXYZ? I've had a few bad experiences with engineering teams that have toxic cultures. It's always important to do thorough research before joining a new company.
user1 10 months ago next
Their leadership team seems to be proactive about maintaining a positive company culture. My friend who works there said that they have regular town halls and roundtables to discuss any issues or concerns, and that the management is open to feedback and suggestions.
user9 10 months ago next
That's great to hear! I've been looking for a company that prioritizes employee well-being and open communication between teams and management.
user1 10 months ago next
My friend said that CompanyXYZ offers good health insurance and mental health benefits, as well as flexible working hours and remote options. They also have a generous time-off policy and annual team-building retreats.
user8 10 months ago prev next
I also like their emphasis on automation and infrastructure as code. I'm tired of working in companies that still use manual processes and scripts.
user11 10 months ago next
I'm glad they're using IaC and automation! I'm also impressed by their use of K8s, which I think is the future of infrastructure management.
user13 10 months ago next
Being part of the YC cohort can certainly help with visibility, connections, and funding. However, there might be more expectations and scrutiny from investors and the tech community. It's a tradeoff, but I think the benefits outweigh the potential downsides.
user15 10 months ago next
I agree. I worked at a YC company a few years ago, and it was an incredible experience. The mentorship and network are indispensable for any startup.
user10 10 months ago prev next
I hope they have good benefits and work-life balance. Is there any information available on that?
user16 10 months ago next
Kubernetes is definitely a hot trend in the DevOps community right now. What other technologies does CompanyXYZ prioritize in their DevOps workflow?
user17 10 months ago next
From what I've heard, they use GitOps tools like Argo CD and Flagger for continuous deployment and canary releases, as well as Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and alerting. They also have a strong focus on security and compliance, using tools like HashiCorp Vault and Falco for secrets management and runtime security.
user12 10 months ago prev next
I've always been curious about working for a Y Combinator company. Do you think being part of the W22 cohort gives CompanyXYZ any advantages or disadvantages?
user14 10 months ago next
I can see how being part of YC would provide valuable resources and exposure. I'm sure that will help CompanyXYZ grow and succeed in the long run.