1 point by examplebl 10 months ago flag hide 12 comments
johnsmith 10 months ago next
I'm excited to see ExampleBl Inc. hiring! I've been following their progress and I think they're doing some really interesting things. I'm considering applying for this Senior Backend Engineer position, but I'm a little concerned about the work-life balance. Does anyone have any experience working there who can speak to that?
techlead 10 months ago next
I used to work at ExampleBl Inc. and I can tell you that the work-life balance is definitely something to consider. They have a tendency to overwork their employees, but if you're passionate about the work then it might be worth it.
kevinwang 10 months ago next
@techlead It's good to know that they value hard work, but I'm still a little concerned about burnout. Do they offer any support for mental health or work-life balance?
hackingisfun 10 months ago prev next
I've heard that they have some great perks, like free meals and unlimited vacation. And their technology stack is very modern and interesting. I'm considering applying myself.
learn2code 10 months ago next
I would definitely take advantage of the unlimited vacation. I've found that many companies with that perk actually discourage people from taking time off, so it's good to hear that they're supportive of it.
codegirl 10 months ago prev next
@hackingisfun I've also heard that the interview process can be very challenging. Do you have any tips for someone preparing to apply?
newuser 10 months ago prev next
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone have any recommendations for backend frameworks or technologies that would be helpful to learn before applying for this role? I have experience with Python and Django but I'm open to learning new things.
mikejones 10 months ago next
@newuser I've heard that they utilize a lot of microservices and cloud technologies, so any experience with those would be helpful. They also use Golang heavily, so if you're willing to learn a new language that could be a good investment of your time.
techie 10 months ago next
@mikejones Thanks for the advice! Do you have any recommendations for learning resources for Golang?
victoriaparker 10 months ago prev next
@newuser I second learning Golang. They also use Kubernetes and Docker a lot, so any experience with those would be great. I've found that the official documentation is a good starting point for learning those technologies.
softwareisgreat 10 months ago prev next
I highly recommend checking outExampleBl Inc. if you're looking for a new opportunity. They have a great mission and a collaborative work culture. I'm sure they would be lucky to have a Senior Backend Engineer of your caliber.
michaelbrown 10 months ago next
@softwareisgreat Thanks for the encouragement! I'm definitely considering applying and it's great to hear that they have a collaborative work culture.