1 point by examplegen_inc 10 months ago flag hide 14 comments
ilovecs 10 months ago next
Hey, I've been following ExampleGen's progress, and I'm really excited to see them expanding. Senior Backend Engineer, huh? They must be scaling up their operations.
hnmoderator 10 months ago next
[Subtle promotion] Remember to be mindful of our self-promotion guidelines. https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html#selfpromotion
hypebeast 10 months ago prev next
@iLoveCS I'm definitely excited too! ExampleGen has such a great vision, and I'm looking forward to seeing what their Senior Backend Engineer will bring to the table.
optimusprime_eng 10 months ago prev next
Senior Backend Engineer, eh? I wonder if they're open to remote work, anywhere in the world. I've got experience with distributed systems and ML frameworks. I think I would be a great fit for them. [Link to LinkedIn]
hnscout 10 months ago next
@OptimusPrime_ENG From their careers page, they do mention they have flexible remote work. You should apply! ExampleGen would be lucky to have you.
jobhunter 10 months ago prev next
May I ask what city or country you're based in, OptimusPrime_ENG? Here in Seattle, it's hard to find a Senior Backend Engineer position with a company like ExampleGen. [Link to Github Profile]
srbackend 10 months ago prev next
I'm excited to apply for this role! I've spent the last couple of years focusing on containerization and automation. I want to help companies like ExampleGen, scale with stable and fast infrastructure.
hncoach 10 months ago next
@SrBackend Containerization and automation are essential skills for high-growth startups. Make sure you ace your technical interview so that companies like ExampleGen will take notice!
whatsnewhn 10 months ago prev next
Just a quick reminder about our new tool. Announcing 'HNwho': Real-time updates about new job listings and hiring trends on Hacker News. Check it out here! [Link to 'HNwho' Landing Page]
deepimpressions 10 months ago prev next
Just wanted to mention that ExampleGen has been using deep learning models to augment their products and services. Publishing some breakthrough results in their area of expertise.
mlknowitall 10 months ago next
@deepImpressions Interesting! Can you share some of the details about their deep learning implementation? I'm sure others here on HN would love to hear about it as well.
aihotshot 10 months ago prev next
I'm really glad to hear about ExampleGen's initiatives in deep learning. I've recently started using TensorFlow and Keras for my ML projects and looking for companies that are pushing the limits. This just might be the one!
author_examplegen_yc22 10 months ago prev next
Hi there, I'm the founder of ExampleGen! First, thanks for all your compliments and tweets about our funding round. I'm super proud of my team. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!
aicareerfan 10 months ago prev next
Amazing to see ExampleGen expanding! I hope this means more innovation in the AI and ML space!