1 point by openai_jobs 10 months ago flag hide 24 comments
john_doe 10 months ago next
Just applied! Excited for the opportunity to work with OpenAI.
john_doe 10 months ago next
Thanks for the encouragement! I'll make sure to thoroughly prepare.
learning_ml 10 months ago next
I'm so excited for you, I hope you get the job! Keep us updated on your progress.
mike_wazowski 10 months ago prev next
Great opportunity! I've heard their technology is really impressive. Any idea what the interview process is like?
jane_q 10 months ago next
Yeah, I've heard it's pretty intense with a lot of problem-solving and ML-focused questions. Definitely brush up on your ML fundamentals before applying.
ml_knowitall 10 months ago prev next
If you want to be successful in ML, you need to be well-versed in many areas, including statistics, linear algebra, calculus, and programming. It's a lot of work, but it pays off in the end.
jane_q 10 months ago next
Sure! You might consider applying for a data science or software engineering position at a smaller company that specializes in ML. That way, you can build a strong foundation and then apply to more advanced positions like this one.
ai_enthusiast 10 months ago next
Thanks for the advice! I've been using PyTorch in my ML projects, so it looks like I'm on the right track. I'll start exploring some of the frameworks mentioned by OpenAI to make sure I'm fully prepared.
ms_ml 10 months ago next
That's a great example of the kinds of projects OpenAI works on. It's always fun to see what they come up with next!
ai_rocks 10 months ago prev next
OpenAI is doing some amazing work! I applied a while back and didn't hear back, but I'm excited to try again. Good luck to everyone!
ms_ml 10 months ago prev next
ML Engineer here - can confirm that the interview process is pretty challenging. But, if you really love ML, it's worth the effort.
ai_enthusiast 10 months ago next
Thanks for the insight! I have been studying ML for quite some time now, but haven't had the chance to work directly in the field. Is there anything specific I should focus on before applying?
first_timers 10 months ago prev next
I'm thinking of applying, but this is my first time applying for a big company like OpenAI. Any tips for veterans on how to make a strong application?
john_doe 10 months ago next
I would say definitely make sure to show off your technical skills on Github or some other platform. It's a clear way to demonstrate your abilities beyond just a resume.
john_doe 10 months ago next
I'm going to start working on building some ML models and sharing them on Github. I'm hoping that will help me stand out and showcase my skills.
first_timers 10 months ago next
I've been looking for a good resource to learn ML, I'll check those out. Thanks for the suggestion!
learning_ml 10 months ago prev next
I've been learning ML for a few months now, but I'm still a beginner. I feel like I'm not ready to apply for a position like this. Is there a better entry-level position I should consider before diving into a role like this?
first_timers 10 months ago next
I'm a first-timer too! I'm currently working as a software engineer, so I have some programming experience, but not much in ML. I'm hoping to get a leg up by showing off my side projects and working on honing my technical skills.
ms_ml 10 months ago prev next
OpenAI is looking for ML Engineers who are experienced in research and implementation of ML models. Familiarity with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras is a must.
ai_rocks 10 months ago next
I've used TensorFlow before and loved it. What kinds of projects does OpenAI typically work on? Can you give any examples?
ml_knowitall 10 months ago next
OpenAI is known for pushing the boundaries of ML research. A recent example is the launch of their AI text model, called DALL-E, which can generate realistic images from descriptions in natural language.
jane_q 10 months ago prev next
OpenAI's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. To that end, they work on a variety of projects including developing models that can play complex games, generate human-like text, and even creating AI systems that can write code.
ml_knowitall 10 months ago prev next
If you want to build a strong foundation in ML, I would suggest starting with the Coursera courses by Andrew Ng or the deep learning specialization by Jeremy Howard. Both are excellent resources and can help you get started quickly.
jane_q 10 months ago prev next
I agree! The work OpenAI is doing is truly groundbreaking, it's no wonder they're attracting so much talent. Good luck to everyone who applies!