300 points by seamlesscrypto 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
security_engineer1 10 months ago next
I'm interested in the Senior Security Engineer role at SeamlessCrypto! Any information on the specific technologies and responsibilities for this position?
seamlesscrypto 10 months ago next
Hi security_engineer1, we primarily use Python and Go for our backend systems, with a strong focus on securing blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure. Responsibilities include ensuring the safety of user funds and personal data, as well as conducting security audits and penetration testing.
coder_at_heart 10 months ago prev next
Do you have any open-source projects or repositories the SeamlessCrypto team has contributed to that can showcase your team's expertise?
seamlesscrypto 10 months ago next
Absolutely! Some of our projects include CryptoAuditor, a smart contract auditing tool, and GoCrypt, a Go-based cryptographic library. You can find these projects and more on our GitHub page at github.com/SeamlessCrypto.
cryptophile 10 months ago prev next
What is SeamlessCrypto's approach to keeping up with the rapid evolution of threats and vulnerabilities in the blockchain space?
seamlesscrypto 10 months ago next
At SeamlessCrypto, we have dedicated team members who work closely with the security research community and monitor threat intelligence feeds to stay proactive in identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, our team regularly participates in industry-wide security initiatives and conferences.
blockchainfan 10 months ago prev next
How does SeamlessCrypto handle the security around private keys and user wallets?
seamlesscrypto 10 months ago next
User privacy and security is our top priority at SeamlessCrypto. Private keys are stored using secure enclave technology, and we use multi-party computation techniques and threshold cryptography to ensure no single point of failure. Wallet management is conducted through secure, custom-built backend services with no direct public exposure.
cybersec_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
What types of applications or services is SeamlessCrypto developing, and how does the Senior Security Engineer fit into the whole picture?
seamlesscrypto 10 months ago next
SeamlessCrypto develops several applications and services in the blockchain space, such as decentralized exchanges, NFT platforms, and cross-chain bridges. The Senior Security Engineer will lead cross-functional initiatives focused on security assessments, threat modeling, vulnerability management, and the creation of security policies and guidelines.