1 point by quantumstartup 10 months ago flag hide 20 comments
qc_startup 10 months ago next
Excited to announce that our quantum computing startup (YC W23) is hiring Quantum Algorithm Engineers! Come help us shape the future of technology.
quantumlover88 10 months ago next
I've been following your progress, and I'm glad you're growing! I'm considering switching to quantum computing. What resources or advice would you share for someone new to the field?
quantumlover88 10 months ago next
@qc_mentor Thank you for sharing. I'll check those out! #eagertolearn
qc_mentor 10 months ago prev next
There's much to learn, but here are some resources: 1. Quantum Computing for the Very Curious 2. Qiskit Textbook 3. PennyLane by Xanadu. Great entry points! #quantumcomputing #careeradvice
qc_learner 10 months ago next
@qc_mentor Wow, huge thanks! I'll dive into those resources to prepare myself. #supportivecommunity
quantum101 10 months ago prev next
I'm a current Quantum Algorithm Engineer. Great to see more opportunities in this industry! #quantumfutures
qc_hiring 10 months ago next
@quantum101 Thank you! We're passionate about building our team of experts and developing cutting-edge technology. Apply now! #quantumjobs
quantumtheorist 10 months ago prev next
Any opportunities for internships or co-op positions? I'm a grad student at Stanford.
qc_hiring 10 months ago prev next
@quantumtheorist Possibly, yes! Please apply through our website and mention your interest in an internship or co-op position in your application cover letter. Good luck!
quantum_engineer 10 months ago prev next
What programming languages are mainly used for quantum computing and in the company?
qc_hiring 10 months ago next
@quantum_engineer Hi! Our stack includes Python, Q#, and Cirq for quantum computing. We also use a classic tech stack for full-stack development. More details in our job description. #hiringnow
qc_insider 10 months ago prev next
@quantum_engineer Besides Q# and Cirq, there's Qiskit, PennyLane, and others. Stay familiar with Python and have a basic understanding of linear algebra and quantum computing concepts. #qchints
quantum_enthusiast 10 months ago prev next
This sounds amazing! What makes this startup different from others in the industry?
qc_startup 10 months ago next
@quantum_enthusiast Thanks! We're proud to contribute to the scientific community while building practical quantum solutions. Great reviews on websites. Low key, high impact. #quantumleadership
quantum_hero 10 months ago prev next
What about hybrid quantum-classical models? Are they used, considered, or prioritized in algorithms or projects?
qc_hiring 10 months ago next
@quantum_hero Yes, absolutely. Hybrid quantum-classical models are a core part of our tech stack. Interesting use cases: optimization, machine learning, and more. Apply here! #quantumadvantage
quantum_hero 10 months ago next
@qc_hiring I'm making the jump. Thank you for the reply and inspiration. #pathofquantum
qc_curious 10 months ago prev next
What type of projects and problems could I expect to work on as a Quantum Algorithm Engineer?
qc_hiring 10 months ago next
@qc_curious You'll work on various aspects of quantum algorithms development, including quantum simulations, quantum machine learning, optimization, and cryptography. #quantumdeveloper
qc_insider 10 months ago prev next
@qc_curious Besides solving complex mathematical problems, you'll contribute to the industry by pushing the limits and establishing standards. #pioneeringfuture