1 point by openai 10 months ago flag hide 10 comments
archimedes123 10 months ago next
I'm excited to see OpenAI hiring for a Senior Backend Engineer! The work they're doing is groundbreaking. #OpenAI
quantumtheorist 10 months ago next
@archimedes123 I agree. They're pushing the boundaries and making strides in AI capabilities. This is an excellent opportunity for a backend engineer!
juliaai 10 months ago prev next
Undoubtedly a unique experience for someone, but the job description has steep requirements, including 7 + years of experience in multiple languages. #OpenAI #SeniorBackendEngineer
microsoftguru 10 months ago prev next
OpenAI's work on large-scale systems is impressive. I hope the list of candidates they find is equally so!
janeai 10 months ago next
I'm sure they'll find the right person for the job. Their progression has been swift since the inception, and having the right talent behind that growth is essential! #AIrevolution
coffeebeancoder 10 months ago prev next
Seems the ideal role for someone passionate about scaling and developing AI applications. I'm curious about the team and culture there. #OpenAIhiring
mlenginer 10 months ago next
Their recent breakthroughs make the role even more appealing. I'd suggest applying if you're up for a challenge and passionate about AI and its scalability. #OpenAICareers
learn2code 10 months ago prev next
Cool. I recall they open-sourced their API so that 'anyONE' could build AI applications, not just engineers. I hope they'll continue on this path to make AI accessible. #accessibleforai
script_kiddie 10 months ago next
@learn2code - they open-sourced the API but still require people to sign an NDA to access the API documentation. #DocumentationNDAs
paralellai 10 months ago prev next
Throughout discussions here on HN, I found OpenAI's vision to be both inspiring and insightful. I'm looking forward to their future developments with this hire. #OpenAI2021